EarthBaby's Change Champion of the Month: Community Well

We are proud to announce that Community Well is EarthBaby's Change Champion of the month! EarthBaby is a compostable diaper service that was started by two Bay Area dads in 2008. After searching for a convenient and environmentally friendly alternative to disposable diapers they found that single-use compostable diapers were available, but no service existed to actually compost them. They learned that unless these diapers were composted by a licensed commercial compost facility, they would still end up in the landfill where nothing has a chance to compost. 

Disposable diapers constitute the 3rd largest contributor (by volume) to US landfills sites today. EathBaby addresses this problem and closes the loop, ensuring that diapers stay out of the landfill. Currently, Earthbaby diverts more than 16,000 pounds of diaper waste from Bay Area landfills each week and converts it to nutrient-rich soil. 

EarthBaby sponsors and services two changing stations at Community Well. We are proud to sponsored by EarthBaby and feel honored to be recognized as Change Campions of the month. To learn more about EarthBaby, head over to their website and try a free sample before signing up for their service.