Standing in Solidarity

Dear Community,

Thank you for feeling everything you are feeling. Thank you for all the thoughts and opinions you have and carry, that you either share or keep to yourself. It is all invaluable to the process of transformation that you and the whole world are going through at this time. Know this, know yourself, and know you are not alone. 

Together we are in the midst of the biggest challenges and complexity we’ve ever seen, with COVID-19 and the brutality of Systemic Racism rearing its ugly head right in on top of it. This calls for the utmost care and respect for ourselves and loved ones, to stand strong in safety and solidarity. Thank you for doing everything you can in this regard. 

The Advisory Council here at Community Well began this year with a daylong retreat and these words by Lilla Watson guided our work together and rings true evermore. We’d like to share it with you, our dear Community:  “If you have come here to help me, you are wasting your time. But if you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together.” 

In healing & toward health,

Jen Reyes Moran on behalf of The Community Well Team