AcuAroma Reiki & Coaching w/ integration by Reiki Sessions

Anne-Caroline Floch-Ngy | Whole Person Coach & Reiki Master


When: Fridays 9-3pm

Book a session HERE!

Sliding Scale Cost:

  • AcuAroma Reiki Session: $135 / $155 / $175 (1 hour & 15; 15-minute Zoom call before the session to choose the topic)

  • Coaching session with Reiki integration: $200 / $225/ $250 (2 hours)

An AcuAroma Reiki Session blends plant wisdom with essential oils and ancestral wisdom with acupressure points and light touch to help people on their wellness journey.

A Coaching Session is led by the coachee to explore a topic of choice then a Reiki treatment is custom-made to support the integration of the new awareness, and the insights from the coaching session.

Anne-Caroline Floch-Ngy

Anne-Caroline Floch-Ngy is a Certified Whole Person Coach (PCC ICF credentialed) specialized in Life & Holistic Wellness Coaching and an Usui Reiki Master. She believes in a whole person approach to help people reconnect the dots between their body, their heart, their mind and their soul, so they can experience their life fully. As an advocate of lifestyle medicine and self-care, she brings her expertise in face yoga, face gua-sha, acuaroma therapy, and qi gong in her 1:1 coaching cycles and in her workshops. As coaching and healing are intertwined in her approach to support people on their journey to feel vibrant and radiant again, Anne-Caroline offers Reiki sessions as an integration phase in a coaching cycle or a stand-alone to address a specific need or to replenish the mind-body connection. She crafts Aroma Reiki treatments where Plant Wisdom is invited to contribute : the recipient co-creates the experience, learning for instance which combination of acupressure point and essential oil can support one specific need. Anne-Caroline is bilingual in French and English, she is working with aspiring moms on a fertility journey, moms navigating post-partum, pre-menopause, women who’ve just been diagnosed ADHD, women for whom English is a second language.