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H3: Free Homeopathic Clinic (Virtual) / Clínica Homeopática Gratis (In-Person)

  • Community Well 78 Ocean Ave. San Francisco United States (map)

Homeopathic Clinic: 1st & 3rd Tuesdays 10:00-1:00pm

For SF residents with limited incomes only

  • Returning H3 participants register HERE for Mary and HERE for Kathleen / Los participantes que regresan a H3 se registran AQUÍ para Mary y AQUÍ para Kathleen

  • First-timers to the H3 Program, register HERE / Los principiantes en el programa H3, regístrese AQUÍ.

Kathleen Scheible | Homeopath |

Mary Johnston | Homeopath, CCH |

Homeopathy is a powerful system of alternative medicine that uses remedies from the natural world in very small doses to stimulate our body’s self-healing process. Homeopathic remedies can restore health naturally and non-toxically for the treatment of both acute and chronic illnesses. The remedies are gentle and customized to an individual's needs and are a great support in making positive changes in your health in the areas of:

  • Trauma

  • Anxiety

  • Stress

  • Insomnia

  • Pain

  • And acute chronic conditions

Safe and gentle treatment for the whole family.

Learn about all H3 classes HERE!

Clínica homeopática: 1er y 3er martes 10:00-1:00pm

Haga una cita AQUÍ! (Solo para residentes de SF con ingresos limitados)

Mary Johnston | Homeopath, CCH | | Habla español

La homeopatía es un poderoso sistema de medicina alternativa que utiliza remedios del mundo natural en dosis muy pequeñas para estimular el proceso de autocuración de nuestro cuerpo. Los remedios homeopáticos pueden restaurar la salud de forma natural y no tóxica para el tratamiento de enfermedades agudas y crónicas. Los remedios son suaves y personalizados para las necesidades de un individuo y son un gran apoyo para realizar cambios positivos en su salud en las áreas de:

  • Trauma

  • Ansiedad

  • Estrés

  • Insomnio

  • Dolor

  • Y condiciones crónicas agudas

Tratamiento seguro y gentil para toda la familia.

¡Aprende sobre todas las clases de H3 AQUÍ!

Kathleen Scheible: Homeopath

Kathleen Scheible, CCH is a Board Certified Classical Homeopath and has a full time private homeopathy practice in the Bernal Heights neighborhood of San Francisco. She has been helping kids & adults of all ages to improve their overall health and reduce or resolve chronic health issues with homeopathic medicine since 2005. Kathleen transitioned to homeopathy from mechanical engineering after homeopathy resolved both her son and step-son's chronic health issues (working with a local professional homeopath). Kathleen has offered free homeopathic care for seniors in Bernal Heights since 2011 at the Bernal Heights Neighborhood Center. Kathleen founded and directs the Bay Area Homeopathy Association since 2007, and is the current President of the California Homeopathic Medical Society.

Mary Johnston: Homeopath, CCH

Mary has been practicing homeopathy in the Noe Valley neighborhood of San Francisco for over 15 years. Her family practice is focused on both chronic and acute care of many common childhood and adult ailments.

She was initially introduced to homeopathy when pregnant with her son. She used remedies to assist during the birth and in the postpartum period and sought out constitutional care for both herself and her family afterward. This led to beginning the study of this system of natural medicine as she experienced and witnessed the deep healing it can offer. Mary enjoys using this gentle, safe yet highly effective and individualized modality while helping people increase their awareness and experience of being well.

Mary graduated from the Pacific Academy of Homeopathy and is nationally certified in classical homeopathy by the Council for Homeopathic Certification. She is a member of the Bay Area Homeopathic Association and the California Homeopathic Medical Society. Mary is bilingual in Spanish.

Mary ha practicado homeopatía en la vecinidad de Noe Valley en San Francisco durante más de 15 años.Su práctica familiar se centra en el cuidado crónico y agudo de muchas enfermedades comúnes de la infancia y la adultez.

Su introducción a homeopatía empezó con el embarazo de su hijo. Utilizó remedios para ayudar durante el parto y en el período posparto y luego buscó atención constitucional para su familia. Esto condujó a comenzar el estudio de este sistema de medicina natural cuando ella tuvo la experiencia y presencia de la curación profunda que puede ofrecer. A Mary le encanta usar esta modalidad que es segura pero a la vez altamente efectiva y individualizada, mientras que ayuda a las personas a aumentar su conciencia y experiencia de bien estar.

Mary graduadó de la Academia de Homeopatía del Pacífico y es certificada a nivel nacional en homeopatía clásica por el Consejo para la Certificación Homeopática. Ella es miembro de la Asociación Homeopática del Área de la Bahía y de la Sociedad Médica Homeopática de California. Mary es bilingue en español.