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[Low-cost & In-person] Sacred Path: Ancestral Wisdom & Medicine Clinic

  • Community Well 78 Ocean Ave San Francisco, CA, 94112 United States (map)

Sacred Path: Wisdom & Medicine Clinic

For anyone on their journey to wholeness. Receive services to support your Sacred Path.

Integrating ancestral and energetic modalities to uplift your whole self, our practitioners provide complementary support to Western care for your physical, mental, and spiritual needs. 

With all that you do, it's important that you take the time & space to heal, restore and understand your Sacred Path. May you walk with confidence, ease and grace.

Schedule a Session

Sliding Scale pricing:  Two services for a 2-hour session from $75 - $95* (*If you’re seeing an Herbalist / Herbal Plant Medicine Practitioner please add an additional $15 for the cost of herbs.)


  • Reiki

  • Herbal Plant Medicine

  • Healing Touch Massage

  • Limpia + Energy Grounding

Saturday Mornings

Sessions from 9-11am: Register HERE!

Sessions from 11-1pm: Register HERE!

The Booking Process:

  • Click a 2-hour link above to schedule a session

  • Click on the clinic date that you want to reserve a spot & go through the online calendar booking process

  • Submit your credit card information to hold your spot. You will not be charged during the scheduling process. Payment will be taken upon arrival on your scheduled booking. The preferred method of payment is either cash or Venmo. May also pay with the credit card on file.

  • You will receive an email confirming your scheduled session.

Sacred Path Clinic Practitioners

Bernadette Aguirre | Herbalist

As a lifelong city-dweller, Bernadette grew up eating herbs and vegetables growing in a modest garden that was mainly tended by her mother. Both of her parents were raised on farms in the Philippines, amidst hovering mango trees, moringa bushes, and in between the moist air of the rice paddies. It's no wonder that plants' nourishing powers have always found a home in her medicine cabinet or boiling on the stove.

As an herbal practitioner, her approach is to picture a bird's eye view of her client's external environment and gently hone in on how they may be feeling from the inside, out. This framework is centered around Energetic Herbalism, which matches the attributes and spirit of herbs to the state of a person's mind and body. She is currently based in San Francisco on Ohlone land.


Jennifer Moran | Holistic Massage Therapist

Jennifer Moran is a healer (healing her own past traumas and ancestral lineage) and holistic bodyworker who is committed to healing the world through individualized somatic understanding, building strong families and communities, and promoting health equity. Her studies of somatics, psychology and anthropology, special education, bodywork and energywork, integrative medicine, birthwork and end of life transition all give insight and contribute to the well-rounded approach she has in working with her clients. Jen also has strong spiritual practices that guide her and her path forward. Please visit her website to learn more about her service:


Lily Panyacosit | Clinical Herbalist & Energy Worker

Informed by my journey as a daughter, mother, caregiver, and partner, I found natur(e)-al medicine healing to be at the nexus of life and my passion. Modalities such as herbal medicine and energy healing center, ground and energize me to take on the day and live my life with passion and purpose. And quite frankly, I believe this to be our birthright. I am passionate about empowering you to reclaim your personal health, make wellness the norm, and increase your quality of life.

Together, we explore options for self-care and wellness, developing routines that integrate movement, meditation, nutrition, and natur(e)-al medicines. All these elements are thoughtfully woven together within a personalized self-care and wellness plan after our Initial Herbal Intake Consultation and revised and updated as needed after Herbal Follow-Up Consults.

My herbal education has been centered around Western Herbalism where the teachings I received wove together wisdom, herbs, and traditions from Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, Traditional European Herbalism, and other indigenous traditions, while simultaneously employing scientific knowledge of human anatomy and physiology and evidence-based knowledge to further support the use of herbal medicine. I am as fascinated with the workings of Face and Tongue diagnosis as I am with phytochemistry and physiology, all of which, and more, I learned through my clinical herbal studies at the Land of Verse, based in San Francisco, California.


Nicole Santos | Self-trust Embodiment Coach & Reiki Healer

Nicole is a Certified Self-trust Embodiment Coach and Reiki Practitioner. She supports women in regaining their self trust through mindset work and learning how to consciously connect to their bodies. Nicole earned her Bachelors of Science in Psychology before expanding her knowledge in natural healing. Through reiki, meditation, and breath work, she was able to break her own addictive and toxic behaviors in life and heal herself holistically. Nicole now shares her knowledge and experience with her community to help raise the collective's vibration through coaching and reiki.


Tereza Iñiguez Flores | Curandera & Holistic Life Coach

For over 30 years, Tereza Iñiguez Flores has combined Mesoamerican (Curanderismo) traditional healing practices with contemporary healing arts. Integrative and intuitive, her work transforms the lives of individuals, couples families, and communities seeking to find a healthier and meaningful life; they find the inner knowledge of their true essence they need and are given the tools to solve their pressing issues in their day to day lives as they invite transformation. Reviving the true essence of the whole person by alleviating conflict, Flores offers a unique style of life coaching that uses a holistic approach to healing trauma, physical discomfort, illness, disconnection, soul loss, and depression.  Giving them the freedom to weave a colorful tapestry of self-acceptance, expression, and connection with purpose.