The Excelsior and Community Well Invite You to Celebrate Dia de los Muertos!

Celebrate Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) with the Excelsior Community! Saturday, November 7th, 5-8pm at the Excelsior Playground (Russia Ave. at Madrid St.). 

The event is perfect for families and children of all ages. There will be face painting, arts and crafts, a Book of Life Showing, Loco Bloco Stilt Walkers, food vendors, a car show and altars. 

Community Well is very excited to participate in this event. We will be putting up a living altar honoring mothers and grandmothers who have gone before. We invite all of you to bring items to place on the altar in remembrance and in honor of your mothers and grandmothers who have passed on. We will be holding a short prayer and blessing circle by curandera Tereza Iniguez and invite you to participate as well.

If you are a local artist and want to contribute your art or skills to this very special living altar, please contact Jennifer at We would love your help! 

For more information about the event, check out the Facebook event page here.