Women on the Move

This post first appeared on the Huffington Post travel section n 2015. The article was written by Catherine Okafor and has full permission to cross post.

I’ve always had a zest for traveling but have never worked up the nerve to take the ultimate leap oversees and see the world. Just as Maya Angelou once said, “I love to see a young girl go out and grab the world by the lapels. Life’s a bitch. You’ve got to go out and kick ass. ”That’s so true and that’s what these wanderlust women are doing.

Vanessa Elizabeth of Wander Onwards

Some of you may remember Vanessa from her infamous post (23 Things to Do Instead of Getting Engaged When You’re 23) that caused a stir online. I didn’t see anything wrong with her piece but, oh well.

However, I first noticed her from reading about her experience with Cross-Fit. A woman that’s not afraid to travel nor getting sweaty while lifting 140+ pounds. This 24 year old is one to watch. That’s why she’s my weekly #WCW. In her blog she documents her experience having her Visa cancelled, becoming bedridden from Salmonella, learning Chinese, and much more. What’s next for Vanessa? Peep her blog to continue to follow her journey.

Tiffany and LaToya Rose of This Is Our Normal

Step aside Beyonce and Jay Z and Brad and Angelina, there’s a new power couple on the horizon. Meet Tiffany and LaToya Rose, two American expats who are living and loving in South Korea. They met in South Korea and decided to make it their new home. 9-5 they teach to the young kiddos but outside of work, they do what they do best, travel.

They have traveled to more than fifteen countries and have not been shy about documenting their journey. Oh yeah, one more thing I forgot to mention. They are also in the process of “trying to conceive their first child and yes they do a good job at keeping their readers in the loop about it. I know trying to plan and create a little family can be hard but I’m keeping my fingers crossed that they adopt me. When they do conceive (positive thoughts & vibes to them) that’s going to be one kick-ass, cool kid with two phenomenal mommies. Updated article.

Jinna Yang of projectinspo

What I admire most about the last kick-ass, wanderlust woman is her ability to push through adversity. I found comfort and community when I came across her story about the loss of her father because I, too, experienced the loss of a parent. Her bravery to risk it all and leave her dead-end job behind to follow her dreams and embark on a wanderlust voyage is admirable.

Her blog not only talks about the loss of a loved one but includes inspirational pieces, stunning photography and countless tips for traveling around the world. Her destinations include but are not limited to: Greece, Iceland, Paris, Mexico and much more. If you need a dose of inspiration or just want to check out her amazing photography skills, take a peek at her website.

I’m sure by now after reading this you are pumped and inspired to live out your wanderlust fantasies. So, what are you waiting for? Go out and give it a try. These four women sure have!

Photo credit: Hưng Nguyễn on Unsplash