Sleep, Comfort and Wellness: Here’s How a Better Mattress Can Mean Better Health

Do you toss and turn at night or feel groggy throughout the day? Getting a good night’s sleep is of vital importance to your health, and your mattress is a key player in that equation. Here’s how you can enjoy a better quality of life by improving your mattress selection.

How much is enough?

You may be wondering how much sleep is sufficient, especially if you’re going to bed early or you “catch up” on weekends. According to Healthfinder, it isn’t just the number of hours you sleep, but also the quality of your sleep. Most adults require between 7 and 8 hours of slumber each night, but if you don’t feel rested, your body is saying it needs more.

Out with the old

When is the last time you replaced your mattress? NBC News points out mattresses have an average lifespan of 7 to 10 years, some even less. And if you’re over 40, you may need to replace it more frequently, since our bodies tolerate pressure less as we age. Finding a new mattress can be done easily enough, but what do you do with the old one? A bit of good news: most of your old mattress can be recycled. Mattresses are composed of numerous important, recyclable components, such as steel springs, cotton fabric, foam padding and a wooden frame.

Sweat, bacteria and allergens, oh my!

Old mattresses can be host to a wide range of particles which are harmful to health. Mold, bacteria, sweat, dust mite droppings, pet dander, and fungi are among the concerns CNN notes might be lingering in your mattress. Even though you can’t see them, when you roll over in your sleep, you can stir them up and breathe them in. All those yucky particles can be hard on your immune system, especially if you have allergies. Mattresses aren’t biodegradable, but up to 80 percent of a mattress is recyclable, with those materials journeying back into manufacturing new products. Avoid sending your old mattress to a landfill and opt for a recycling center instead, which contributes positively to our environment and our collective health.

Spruce up your sleep space

Take simple steps to encourage better health with proper care of your sleep environment. Add an air purifier next to your bed to cut mold and fungi. Keep bacteria in check by washing your sheets in hot water weekly. To combat dust mites in your bedding, your best bet is to take up bedroom carpet, use smooth-surface flooring, and mop your floor regularly. If your pet sleeps in bed with you, vacuum your mattress and pillows at least once per week. Another suggestion is to use a mattress cover or pad. A cover helps maintain your mattress, adding a protective layer against contaminants.

No more aching back

Do you suffer with aches, stiff joints and muscle pain? While many things can cause those symptoms, your mattress can be a contributing factor. Old, poorly-constructed or unsupportive mattresses can contribute to back pain and joint issues. A well-chosen mattress provides good support, helping to avoid stiffness and aiding those who literally struggle to rise in the morning.

Less stress and anxiety

Another benefit from replacing an old mattress is lowering stress levels. Feeling more rested is just the beginning, since some studies show a new mattress helps sleepers feel less worry, less nervousness, less irritability, and a better sense of calm. Even some physical symptoms of stress are reduced, such as headaches and trembling.

Better mattress, better health

A good mattress can be a key to improved overall wellness. If your mattress is old, it’s time to recycle and upgrade. Keep your sleep environment clean for optimal slumber, and enjoy less pain, stress, exhaustion and illness with a new mattress. Your quality of life will be better with a good night’s sleep!

Image by congerdesign from Pixabay