Prevention Not Panic video with Tereza Iñiguez Flores: Curandera &Holistic Life Coach

Prevention Not Panic video with Tereza Iñiguez Flores: Curandera &Holistic Life Coach

Prevention not Panic with Tereza Iñiguez Flores: Curandera & Holistic Life Coach

This video will provide some insight on how you can empower yourself to tap into your inner resources and manage your stress levels to keep clear headed during this crisis. The conversation presented in this video will provide you with emotional strategies that will help you and your family stay healthy and emotionally strong.

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Coronavirus: Your Health Matter to Us

Coronavirus: Your Health Matter to Us

Your health and safety is very important to us. By now you are probably aware of the ever-developing public health concern here in San Francisco regarding the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19).

Community Well will keep it’s doors open for scheduled classes and services but we will continue to closely monitor this matter and are following the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommendations on prevention and spread of the virus.

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Your 3-Step Roadmap to Better Health

Your 3-Step Roadmap to Better Health

Everyone wants to be the healthiest possible version of themselves, but making that a reality is hard to do. In a world where convenience rules and spare time is hard to come by, it’s so much easier to cruise through a drive-through than spend an hour cooking dinner.

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Let's Get Well

Let's Get Well

This past weekend I had the opportunity to attend the 2nd Annual Sacramento Black Women’s Health & Wellness Conference. It was a day-long conference dedicated to empower and educate black women on the health issues that we face within our community.

When I first heard of this conference I was super excited to learn more about how to take care of myself...

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I can’t keep calm because I have anxiety!

I can’t keep calm because I have anxiety!

Sound familiar? You are not alone. Almost everyone I know has been experiencing anxiety in some form recently. Whether it is from politics, concerns about health care, police brutality, life stress, loss, hormonal changes, or some unknown reason – there is a lot to feel anxious about these days!

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Acts of Gratitude

Acts of Gratitude

As the school year comes to a close for myself and my students, I reflect and think back on how this has been a year filled with ups and downs. As my students are preparing for their next chapter – college, their gratitude has reminded me to express my gratitude no matter what.

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Wellness Women of Color You Should Follow

Wellness Women of Color You Should Follow

I love learning about wellness and consider myself to be a wellness junkie. I’ll admit that I’m not an expert at self-care and fall off the wellness wagon here and there. But, at least I’m being fully honest about it. When I’m feeling a bit lazy and tired, I turn to social media and browse through my self-care pro’s pages. I guess that also counts as practicing self-care. Right? Yes! 

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Who Benefits From Somatic Healing?

Who Benefits From Somatic Healing?

We learned via SEAustraila that anyone who wishes to feel empowered again and learn about "their body’s natural ability to calm itself after strong feelings or activation caused by a situation they perceive as being stressful or threatening" can benefit from somatic healing.

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How To Become Financially Empowered: 4 Steps

How To Become Financially Empowered: 4 Steps

Sometimes we feel that we are not in control of our money or perhaps money makes us feel powerless. However, we learned via LifeDaily that "In order to change your relationship with money you need to be fully aware of your finances, and your current financial situation, and you need to make a choice to take control of it." You have the choice about how money makes you feel, so here are 6 ways you can become financially empowered.

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Why Everyone Should Consider Seeing A Life Coach

Why Everyone Should Consider Seeing A Life Coach

We learned via The Greatist that there are many benefits to meeting with a life coach. They stated that, "Coaching is different from psychotherapy, though it can be used in conjunction with therapy. It focuses on helping clients to thrive in the present and future, and on creating a vision and action plan towards living life to its fullest capacity."

Check out these 5 reasons why you should consider meeting with a life coach! 

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How Infant Massage Helps Reduce Stress In Premature Babies

How Infant Massage Helps Reduce Stress In Premature Babies

According to an article by Medical Daily, infant massage has great effects for premature babies. However, they reported that infant massage "can markedly reduce stress in male preemie babies, though the effect is not as great for females."

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Breastfeeding Benefits Your Baby's Immune System

Breastfeeding Benefits Your Baby's Immune System

We learned via HealthyChildren that "Human milk provides virtually all the protein, sugar, and fat your baby needs to be healthy". It also contains many substances that benefit your baby’s immune system, including antibodies, immune factors, enzymes, and white blood cells." 

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5 Reasons To Get CPR Certified!

5 Reasons To Get CPR Certified!

According to an article via Everyday Health, most people who suffer from a heart attack outside of a hospital do not get CPR from a bystander, which significantly lessens their chances of survival. Here are 5 reasons to get CPR training now:

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4 Interesting Reasons to Try Therapy

4 Interesting Reasons to Try Therapy

We learned via an article by Forbes that some people are under the misconception that therapy is for people who are "weak". However, this isn't true. The article stated that, "Psychotherapy is a tool that creates success. Smart people use it." 

Therapy is something that everyone must try at least once in there lives. Here are 4 reasons why!

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New Study: Stress Affects Males and Females Differently

New Study: Stress Affects Males and Females Differently

According to The Science Daily, a new study from the Weizmann Institute of Science found that "a stress receptor in the brain regulates metabolic responses to stressful situations differently in male and female mice". Moreover, the results could help develop treatments for regulating hunger or stress responses, including anxiety and depression. 

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