4 Ways To Manage Parenting Stress

parent groups san francisco

Parents are often feeling stressed out from managing busy schedules and raising kids. We learned via Psychology Today that there are several ways to decrease stress in parents. They reported that, "Numerous studies have shown that parents who report higher levels of parenting stress are more likely to be authoritarian, harsh, and negative in their interactions with their child (e.g., Deater-Deckard & Scarr, 1996). Furthermore, parenting stress decreases the quality of the parent-child relationship." 

Here are 4 ways you can destress and create harmony as a family! 

1. Seek professional help.

Parenting isn't the easier task and it may be beneficial to seek professional help from a psychologist. The article stated that, " Psychologist can be helpful to provide strategies to help you cope with life’s challenges. Additionally, they may be able to provide you with resources to help improve your child’s functioning and decrease problem behaviors that may increase parenting stress." 

2. Increase quality time with family.

Find activities that are enjoyable for you and your family. By spending time together, you are improving the parent-child relationship. Your family may have a busy schedule but "consider being creative by having a family game night or engage in other activities that your child enjoys."

3. Make time for yourself. 

Parents often neglect their own needs and focus on their families. Although, remember that it is okay to take a break for yourself! It's healthy for you and your child to have some time apart. 

4. Use support systems. 

Make us of your support systems. The article stated that, "having social support is very helpful to decreasing parenting stress. For example, if extended family is available ask them to provide child care for a few hours during the week so you can engage in self-care." Support systems may also be beneficial in the fact that you can talk and discuss with others how they cope with being a parent. It's always great to know that you aren't alone. 

Looking for more ways to help managing parenting stress? Drop by to our Parents Gathering groupCome meet other new parents and share tips, questions, laughs and tears! Bring babies and older siblings. Each week will include a check in and a local resource for all to learn about. Co-hosted by community midwife Laura Marna Perez and doula of the people Alli Cuentos. Tell your friends and don’t forget to come thirsty!

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