Self-esteem: Development & Growth of Children

Self-esteem: Development & Growth of Children

Self-esteem is important for the development and growth of children. Children who have low self-esteem, have negative thoughts about themselves, give up easily and feel like they do not belong at school or in groups/sports...

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5 Ways to Improve Family Wellness

5 Ways to Improve Family Wellness

Everyone wants their family to be healthy and well. However, with our fast paced lives and work schedules, we might not always have time to improve our family's wellness. We learned via Kaplan University 5 easy ways you can help your family become healthier.

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How To Become Financially Empowered: 4 Steps

How To Become Financially Empowered: 4 Steps

Sometimes we feel that we are not in control of our money or perhaps money makes us feel powerless. However, we learned via LifeDaily that "In order to change your relationship with money you need to be fully aware of your finances, and your current financial situation, and you need to make a choice to take control of it." You have the choice about how money makes you feel, so here are 6 ways you can become financially empowered.

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Why Teens Go to Therapy

Why Teens Go to Therapy

Many teens are hesitant about seeing a therapist, often refusing help. It's important for parents to not overlook key signs that their child may need professional help. Here are 10 reasons why teens attend therapy, according to an article by

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4 Ways To Manage Parenting Stress

4 Ways To Manage Parenting Stress

Parents are often feeling stressed out from managing busy schedules and raising kids. We learned via Psychology Today that there are several ways to decrease stress in parents. They reported that, "Numerous studies have shown that parents who report higher levels of parenting stress are more likely to be authoritarian, harsh, and negative in their interactions with their child (e.g., Deater-Deckard & Scarr, 1996). Furthermore, parenting stress decreases the quality of the parent-child relationship." 

Here are 4 ways you can destress and create harmony as a family! 

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5 Reasons To Get CPR Certified!

5 Reasons To Get CPR Certified!

According to an article via Everyday Health, most people who suffer from a heart attack outside of a hospital do not get CPR from a bystander, which significantly lessens their chances of survival. Here are 5 reasons to get CPR training now:

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Support Systems Are Vital in Preventing Teenage Depression

Support Systems Are Vital in Preventing Teenage Depression

We learned via The Science Daily that new research from the University of Cambridge found that friendships and family support are highly important in helping prevent depression among teenagers. Moreover, they found that "teenagers who had grown up in a difficult family environment were more likely than their peers to be bullied at school". 

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Words of Wisdom, From Jennifer Navarro-Marroquin

Words of Wisdom, From Jennifer Navarro-Marroquin

Jennifer Navarro-Marroquin is a financial professional who helps individuals, families, and business owners to secure their financial futures. She also has an extensive background in the healing arts including: massage, aromatherapy, energy work, breathwork, and meditation. 

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Who Can Benefit From Somatic Healing?

Who Can Benefit From Somatic Healing?

According to Somatic Experiencing Australia, "anybody who wishes to regain a sense of empowerment by learning about and experiencing their body's natural ability to calm itself after strong feelings or activation caused by a situation they perceive as being stressful or threatening can benefit from somatic experiencing".

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