How Can Parents Talk to Their Children About Sexuality and Changing Bodies?

According to an article by Planned Parenthood, it is best to start talking to children about sexuality early on in their childhood. They stated that, “Talking with children about sex and sexuality may be uncomfortable at first, but it gets easier with time and practice.” In addition, there are many ways to start conversations about sex and sexuality with your kids. 

The articled stated that “teens often name their parents as the biggest influence in their decisions about sex.” They also reported that teens who report having good conversations with their parents about sex are more “likely to delay sexual activity, have fewer partners, and use condoms and other contraceptives when they do have sex.”

Sexuality includes a wide range of topics including “male and female bodies and how they work, human development, reproduction, types of relationships, what makes a relationship healthy or unhealthy, sexual behavior, and how to prevent pregnancy and STDs.” 

These conversations may not always be easy to start, but they do make a difference. Planned Parenthood stated that when we talk with our kids and build strong relationships, we set clear expectations and boundaries.

Are you a parent who wishes to talk to their children about these topics? Community Well will be having a guided conversation for parents about sexuality and changing bodies led by Debolina Dutta, M. Ed, Teen Educator and Leah Chalofsky, MFT, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist. This is an opportunity for parents to ask open and honest questions regarding their child’s development and changing needs. This is an opportunity for families with children of all genders to share tips and brainstorm creative ways to support our youth.

No one will be turned away from this workshop for lack of funds. So let’s get talking!