Healing Trauma

Healing Trauma

Events such as the death of a family member, natural disasters or emotional and physical abuse can leave a negative mark in our life. According to Psychology Today, "Trauma feelings cannot be repressed or forgotten". This will lead to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

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4 Interesting Reasons to Try Therapy

4 Interesting Reasons to Try Therapy

We learned via an article by Forbes that some people are under the misconception that therapy is for people who are "weak". However, this isn't true. The article stated that, "Psychotherapy is a tool that creates success. Smart people use it." 

Therapy is something that everyone must try at least once in there lives. Here are 4 reasons why!

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Support Systems Are Vital in Preventing Teenage Depression

Support Systems Are Vital in Preventing Teenage Depression

We learned via The Science Daily that new research from the University of Cambridge found that friendships and family support are highly important in helping prevent depression among teenagers. Moreover, they found that "teenagers who had grown up in a difficult family environment were more likely than their peers to be bullied at school". 

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10 Misconceptions About Therapy

10 Misconceptions About Therapy

We learned via an article by the Huffington Post that misconceptions about seeking therapy may actually stop someone who wants to see a therapist. However, they stated that Noah Rubinstein, founder and CEO of therapist directory GoodTherapy.org, says, “People go to therapy to cope with disorders, relationships, stress, grief, to figure out who they are and learn to live life to the fullest. There’s no shame in wanting a better life.” Read on to learn about 10 of the most common myths about seeking a therapist. 

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5 Secrets to a Stress-Free Life

5 Secrets to a Stress-Free Life

According to Garance Clos, wellness advocate, writer, and yoga teacher, people over complicate things when it comes to stress reduction. She says, "You don't have to start doing yoga every week, eat more kale, go vegan or know what a chakra is." All you need to do is relax! She offers 5 ways for us to easily reduce stress and anxiety:

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How Can Parents Talk to Their Children About Sexuality and Changing Bodies?

How Can Parents Talk to Their Children About Sexuality and Changing Bodies?

According to an article by Planned Parenthood, it is best to start talking to children about sexuality early on in their childhood. They stated that, “Talking with children about sex and sexuality may be uncomfortable at first, but it gets easier with time and practice.” In addition, there are many ways to start conversations about sex and sexuality with your kids. 

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What is Somatic Healing? The Benefits for Healing Trauma

What is Somatic Healing? The Benefits for Healing Trauma

We learned via PsychCentral that life events such as death, illness, near-death accidents or experiences can result in traumas. However, Somatic Psychotherapy or Somatic Healing, can help patients suffering from trauma to cope and recover. PsychCentral defines Somatic therapy as a “holistic therapy that studies the relationship between the mind and body in regard to psychological past.” 

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Spread the Word About the Benefits of Marriage and Family Therapy

Spread the Word About the Benefits of Marriage and Family Therapy

The American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT) aims to "enhance the recognition of the profession and practice of marriage and family therapy," as it is often confused with other behavioral healthcare disciplines. In this video, AAMFT wants to inform the public that marriage and family therapy is a distinct profession, and to dispel the myth that it is a subset of other behavioral healthcare professions.

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4 Benefits of Therapy (For Everyone!)

4 Benefits of Therapy (For Everyone!)

Therapy offers many benefits for everyone, not just people who are going through tough times. As naturally social creatures, we can benefit from talking about our problems and finding healthy outlets for stress relief. We learned via an article by the Huffington Post that, “research has shown that verbalizing feelings can have a significant therapeutic effect on the brain.” 

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