Mama Self-Care: Finding Time for You!

Mama Self-Care: Finding Time for You!

Often, it's easy for moms to forget to schedule time for themselves. From drivings kids to soccer practice to cooking up a healthy dinner and getting them to bed on time, mamas don't have an easy job. Carving out some "you time" is essential for the health and sanity of you and your family. The Confident Mom shares a few helpful tips in penciling in time for self-care:

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Study Finds That Breastfeeding Could Save More Than 800,000 Lives A Year

Study Finds That Breastfeeding Could Save More Than 800,000 Lives A Year

New research has found that if every new mother breastfed her baby, more than 800,000 children’s lives would be saved every year and thousands of future deaths caused by breast cancer could be avoided.

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Support, Personal Growth & 3 More Benefits of Joining a "Mom Group"

Support, Personal Growth & 3 More Benefits of Joining a "Mom Group"

According to Diet-to-Go guest blogger Mia Redrick, "eight percent of moms do not take care of themselves... some even ignoring basic personal care tasks like going to the dentist, fixing their hair, or even showering". She adds, "Few Moms take the time to go out with the girls or even relax by themselves in the bathtub for a few minutes."

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How to Help Your Baby Develop Fine Motor Skills

How to Help Your Baby Develop Fine Motor Skills

Being a parent is tough work and helping your baby develop fine motor skills may not be the first thing you add to your daily to-do list. Parents Magazine offers a few ways you can help your baby develop manual dexterity by simply playing with their hands! 

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Words of Wisdom, From Debolina Dutta

Words of Wisdom, From Debolina Dutta

Debolina Dutta is a teen educator and she has worked in public, private, and international high schools for 15 years. On March 16, Debolina will be facilitating a guided conversation group for parents about sexuality and changing bodies with psychotherapist Leah Chalofsky. Debolina believes that knowledge of ones body empowers people to make educated decisions for themselves. She offers parents and guardians a few words of wisdom about parenting during this transitional period for tweens and teens.

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How Can Parents Talk to Their Children About Sexuality and Changing Bodies?

How Can Parents Talk to Their Children About Sexuality and Changing Bodies?

According to an article by Planned Parenthood, it is best to start talking to children about sexuality early on in their childhood. They stated that, “Talking with children about sex and sexuality may be uncomfortable at first, but it gets easier with time and practice.” In addition, there are many ways to start conversations about sex and sexuality with your kids. 

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Breastfeeding Benefits Add Up!

Breastfeeding Benefits Add Up!

We learned via an article by Breastfeeding Basics that the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends nursing for at least the first year of life. This may not be a realistic goal for all mothers but there are benefits to breastfeeding your baby for a few weeks to a few months. 

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The Midwives of El Paso

The Midwives of El Paso

Today we learned via The Atlantic that, "For women of the border, where to give birth is a matter of enormous consequence, and a birthing-center industry has flourished as a result." There are many reasons why women of the border choose to give birth in El Paso, but the world of opportunities available in the United States is the primary driving force.

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The Benefits of Breastfeeding Support Groups

The Benefits of Breastfeeding Support Groups

Support systems are extremely important for new mothers. As new mothers, there are some things that come instinctively. However, the journey of motherhood is a long one and receiving a little help along the way with a group of like-minded women makes the journey a lot easier. 

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Are Parenting Classes Worth It?

Are Parenting Classes Worth It?

We learned via an article by Slate that Britain attempted to launch a pilot program which offered parenting classes for lower income families in 2012. They expected “around 20,000 parents of children under five to show up. Fever than 3,000 did”. 

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The Benefits of Postnatal Exercise

The Benefits of Postnatal Exercise

Congratulations! You’ve just finished the toughest workout of your life and now you are wondering how you are going to balance taking care of your new baby and fitting in some exercise.

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Developmental Movement Skills for Babies

Developmental Movement Skills for Babies

We learned via an article by Active for Life that movement and exercise for babies is rarely ever mentioned in baby books. We tend to forget that the more engagement and movement babies experience during the day, the better the sleep. Just like adults, babies need to be active in order to be healthy and learn important movement skills. 

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A Study Of New Mothers Reveals The Importance of Community

A Study Of New Mothers Reveals The Importance of Community

We have all heard before that it takes a village to raise a child. The support parents receive from their family, friends, and community members can have a profound impact on the family’s happiness and stress levels. This is especially true for new parents who may need the extra help in the beginning of a new journey with their first baby. 

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Fewer Cesarean Sections in California

Fewer Cesarean Sections in California

Recently the California HealthCare Foundation (CHCF) kicked off an effort, working in concert with a large number of partners in the state--- such as the California Maternity Quality Care Collaborative, Pacific Business Group on Health and the Hospital Quality Institute--  to lower the rates of low risk C-sections in the state.

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You're Never Too Young, Never Too Old to Read

You're Never Too Young, Never Too Old to Read

It’s no doubt that children whose parents read to them get a head start on language skills and literacy. However, many children aren’t getting ahead. According to NPR, one-third of children starting kindergarten do not have the language skills they need to learn to read. 

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