Why are childbirth classes important?

Childbirth classes are a safe space to openly ask any questions, clarify any hospital procedure or acquire knowledge about pain relief. By preparing for delivery, you are making this beautiful time in your life the most comfortable as possible. In fact, most women learn about childbirth through Television today. Childbirth classes’ attendance fell in 2005.  Attending childbirth classes gives you a more personal experience and makes delivery more empowering for both parents. 

Future parents often find articles in the Internet, which can be deceptive. They can leave out or not give the most accurate information. This is the reason why Childbirth classes are still relevant. A mom from Parents.com shares her experience on childbirth classes: "I have to say I never would have gone into my first birth without some childbirth education. I ended up having a c-section -- my son was breech, and he wasn't coming out but still, I felt more in control and less fearful armed with some childbirth knowledge".

Lisa Jensen, a Certified Nurse Midwife, and Alli Cuentos, Birth & Full Spectrum Doula, provide childbirth classes at Community Well called The Journey. Classes are offered in both English and Spanish.

Topics include:

  • Flow of labor

  • Physiology and anatomy of pregnancy, labor, birth and postpartum

  • Managing the unexpected: challenges and complications

  • Using the wisdom of the body: positions and touch

  • Helpful terms, tips and stories

  • Celebrations, rituals and bringing babies into families

To register email Lisa at analisa.jensen@gmail.com.