Studies Suggest Breastfeeding is Beneficial for Mama and Baby

While it is widely known that breast milk provides ideal nourishment for babies, two new studies suggest that mothers equally gain benefits from breastfeeding their newborns.

The first study found that breastfeeding protects women from developing breast cancer. The second study found that breastfeeding acts like "a reset button for metabolism after pregnancy, helping women who had gestational diabetes avoid becoming lifelong diabetics."

Earlier research has shown that women who breastfeed have a "lower risk for beast and ovarian cancers, Type 2 diabetes, and rheumatoid arthritis. Breastfeeding may also promote cardiovascular health, including a healthy blood pressure."

According to Dr. Eleanor Bimla Schwarz, a professor of medicine at the University of California, Davis, "This is a win-win, it's good for the baby, too." She cites that more research also shows that "near-universal breastfeeding in the United States could spare an estimated 5,000 women a breast cancer diagnosis every year and cut nearly 14,000 heart attacks." 

While research proves the great benefits of breastfeeding for both mama and baby, communities need to make breastfeeding support services more accessible to mothers. Here at Community Well, we offer breastfeeding clinics, support groups for mothers, prenatal breastfeeding prep classes, and so much more. We aim to make holistic support services accessible to all families in San Francisco, especially in our own Excelsior neighborhood. We welcome new families daily and we hope your family is next to visit Community Well.