Practicing Prevention by Boosting Your Immune System Video with Angel Le

Practicing Prevention by Boosting Your Immune System

Presenter: Angel Le, Certified Clinical Nutritionist & Health Therapist 


“An ounce of prevention, is worth a pound of cure.” - Angel Le

Strengthening our immune system has never been so important than it is today.

Our immune system is what protects our bodies from everyday attacks from the air, soil, and foods we eat. And as of late, the current new virus that has us shelter in place. The best way to boost our immune system is to supply our bodies with the nutritional building blocks; foods. It is easier for us to "prevent" an illness from taking place than to "cure" one. Join us for a small video on foods we can incorporate everyday and resources we can use to access them.

Q. What immune boosting foods do you recommend adding to daily meals?

1) Turmeric or ginger. Known for their inflammatory and warming properties has been shown to enhance your immune system by simply sprinkling or cooking with the root. Friendly reminder, when using turmeric, be sure to have a healthy fat and a spice factor such as black pepper or cayenne for optimal benefits.

2) Medicinal Mushrooms such as Shiitake or maitake are packed with vitamins and minerals shown to support and boost the function of our immune cells like white blood cells and natural killer cells. They are also an antioxidant, anti-viral, and antibacterial.

3) Kiwi. A great source of vitamin C, an antioxidant. We usually think of oranges, but kiwis have almost double the amount of vitamin C per serving at 93mg.

4) Bone broth or vegetable mineral broth. If you are currently not feeling well, bone broth is an amazing and healing food. Packed with a variety of vitamins and minerals to help heal the gut and soothe your digestive system.

Q. How can you get these foods if stores do not have them?

Food Delivery: 

Q. What immune boosting vitamins can I take in addition to whole foods?

  • Vitamin A

  • Vitamin E

  • Vitamin C

  • Zinc
