Prevention Not Panic video with Tereza Iñiguez Flores: Curandera &Holistic Life Coach

The importance of staying clearheaded & balanced during COVID-19

Presenter: Tereza Iñiguez Flores - Curandera & Holistic Life Coach
BONUS: Emotional Wellbeing Guided Visualization at the End of the Video

- You turn on the news, and feel stressed!
- Your work events are being canceled or your employer is asking you to take time off.
- Your children’s school is being canceled.
- You go to the local grocery store and all of the dry and paper goods are being sold out!
- You are encouraged to practice Social Distancing.

Do you find yourself feeling an increased state of stress and anxiety that may at times escalate to panic?

This video will provide some insight on how you can empower yourself to tap into your inner resources and manage your stress levels to keep clear headed during this crisis. The conversation presented in this video will provide you with emotional strategies that will help you and your family stay healthy and emotionally strong.

Resources: San Francisco Department of Public Health Website
*Find your local Department of Health website for current COVID-19 facts and updates*

Recent UCSF article on how to stay clear headed during COVID-19:…/feeling-anxiety-about-coronavirus-ps…

At Home and Work Cleaning Recommendations:

-Perform routine environmental cleaning
-Domestic use Beach based & alcohol cleaning products ok.
-Make sure to increase frequency of cleaning because virus hangs around for multiple days.
-Routinely clean all frequently touched surfaces in the workplace, such as workstations, countertops, & doorknobs. Use the cleaning agents that are usually used in these areas & follow the directions on the label.
-Provide disposable wipes so that commonly used surfaces (for example, doorknobs, keyboards, remote controls, desks) can be wiped down by employees before each use. No additional disinfection beyond routine cleaning is recommended at this time.

Boosting Immune System and Immune Boosting Recipe videos coming soon!