The Benefits of Infant Massage

An infant massage not only ensures quality time between the parent and the infant, but it improves the well being of the baby as well. Massages control hormones, which lead to controls of stress, improve sleep and minimize crying. You do not have to be a certified masseuse to properly give your baby a massage.

To make the best atmosphere for the infant, Mayo Clinic has the following tips:

1) Create a calm environment- Pick the best place indoor or outdoors. The less noise the better. Put the baby on his back and sit comfortably.

2) Control your touch- Be gentle and as the babies grow in age start massaging harder.

3) Slowly stroke and knead each part of your baby's body- Massage every part of your baby’s body for a minute from head to toes. Make sure you spread and bend repeatedly.

4) Stay relax- Talk to you kid in a soft tone through the process.

5) Watch your baby response- If your baby is crying or feeling bother, know you may not being massaging correctly and need to stop.

The perfect time to give a baby the message will be 45 minutes after a meal. You might choose oil or no oil for your baby, preferably unscented and edible.  Not feeling confident enough? Take an Infant Massage class at Community Well with Alli Cuentos!

To register for a class every Monday between 2-3pm email or call (415) 217-9885.