The Benefit of Social Support for New Moms

The journey for new moms is an exciting one! And yes, new dads too! Although a joyful time, we learned via Psychology Today that, “taking care of a child and recovering physically from childbirth can be emotionally draining” for new moms. Research suggests that being in community and seeking social support can help new mothers combat their stress. 

The article stated, “ A research group in University of Chicago compiled the information from 66 different studies…It’s not surprising that social support helps people manage stress. If we know we have people to talk to or to turn to for help in difficult times we are more ready to face these challenges without burning out.” 

The University of Chicago study also found that stressful events, like becoming a new mom, tend to decrease the social support received. Your natural reaction may be to withdraw and spend less time with loved ones. However, the more new moms surround themselves and their baby with a healthy, supportive, and loving circle, the healthier the baby will be. 

So where can new moms turn to get the social support they need?

The article stated, “Support from friends and family help new mothers deal better with stress, and this has been proven to help mothers see their children in a more positive light.” New mothers who have help from their loved ones feel “more self-esteem, confidence as a parent, and struggle less to access information that helps them problem-solve for their bundle of joy.” 

In addition to receiving support from your loved ones, take a visit to Community Well and join our New Mom’s Support Group. Be in community with other new moms and their babies and get tips and tricks from experts in the field of newborn care and breastfeeding. Each meeting includes a mini discussion topic as well as resources.

The journey of a new mom can be stressful and Community Well offers resources to help ease your journey. We hope to see all the new mamas and papas at The Well!