Acts of Gratitude

By Catherine Okafor

As the school year comes to a close for myself and my students, I reflect and think back on how this has been a year filled with ups and downs. As my students are preparing for their next chapter – college, their gratitude has reminded me to express my gratitude no matter what. I think at times we get so caught up in our busy lives that we forget to express our gratitude and put out positive energy into the universe. Especially, during difficult times that we may encounter. Below I’ve included a few ways that I try to maintain positive and grateful during stressful or difficult times.

Gratitude Jar

This is a great way to keep all positive and memorable moments close to you. All you need is a jar or box, paper and a pen. As you encounter any fun or great times during the day or week, write them down and place them in the jar or box. As you continue to do this, you will begin to see how your life is filled with some many great moments despite any obstacles you may encounter. During those times of distress, I encourage you to pull out one memory that you wrote down and read it aloud. Hopefully that memory will bring you back to the good times and make you feel better!

Just Cause Note

This is one of my favorites! I try to do my best in telling those that I love and appreciate, thank you. Sometimes we may become so busy that we fail to properly thank those who have helped us out in some way. Keep in mind that it doesn’t have to always be something huge that we thank people for. The small things matter as well! Generally I write a special “just cause” note to those who I want to show my love and appreciation to. I guarantee you if you try this out, you’ll make someone feel super special!

A Fun Time Out!

This is will for sure leave your friends and loved ones blushing! Treating someone out to lunch, dinner or a fun night out is surely to be appreciated by all. This is also a great way for you too, to enjoy yourself. When planning this, keep in mind the person who you’re treating. Think about things they enjoy doing or their special interests. Who knows – maybe they’ll return the love and treat you as well! That’s a super win-win situation.

When was the last time you expressed your gratitude to someone? If you haven’t, try out one of my suggestions and let us know in the comments how it’s working out for you! If you have any other suggestions, let us know as well!