Fewer Cesarean Sections in California

Correction: An earlier version of this blog stated that the California HealthCare Foundation (CHCF) is starting to financially reward hospitals for vaginal births in order to reduce pressure for doctors and mothers to deliver quickly. This is not true. CHCF is not able to financially reward hospitals. The blog post has been updated to reflect this.

Recently the California HealthCare Foundation (CHCF) kicked off an effort, working in concert with a large number of partners in the state--- such as the California Maternity Quality Care Collaborative, Pacific Business Group on Health and the Hospital Quality Institute--  to lower the rates of low risk C-sections in the state. In 2014, CHCF released an alarming infographic highlighting that a laboring mothers chances of having a C-section are very dependent on where she gives birth. As outlined by the article, C-sections can be very beneficial for mothers and babies when necessary, but they are performed too often. Cesarean sections put a mother at risk for infection, blood clots, blood transfusions, and have been shown to lessen the likelihood of breastfeeding. Breastfeeding is beneficial for both mother and child. As a result, CHCF is supporting projects to lower the rate of unnecessary C-sections, such as a toolkit [ST1] to help providers and implementation of the toolkit in hospitals in California. The article also discusses how helpful midwives and nurse midwives can be at securing positive outcomes (and vaginal births) for women in labor. 

Women like Community Well's Laura Perez are working to secure better outcomes for laboring mothers as well. Come and see how incredible Laura's work is. Her service include prenatal care, attending birth, postpartum care, Well Woman Care and more. We are so lucky to have such an incredible resource here in Excelsior serving all women. 

Here's hoping that 2016 brings a lot of positive changes in our world including happier and healthier mothers and babies. Please check out Community Well's calendar and come in! Put a resolution into action through meditation, yoga, and more. We're happy to ring in the New Year with our community.