Review Finds Improved Outcomes for Moms Who See Midwives

Review Finds Improved Outcomes for Moms Who See Midwives

According to an article by the Huffington Post, more than 90 percent of the births in the US are supervised by doctors, however a “growing minority of women rely on midwives to provide their primary care.” A review published by The Cochrane Library finds that consistent midwife care throughout pregnancy is linked with better outcomes both for mom and baby. 

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The Midwives of El Paso

The Midwives of El Paso

Today we learned via The Atlantic that, "For women of the border, where to give birth is a matter of enormous consequence, and a birthing-center industry has flourished as a result." There are many reasons why women of the border choose to give birth in El Paso, but the world of opportunities available in the United States is the primary driving force.

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Fewer Cesarean Sections in California

Fewer Cesarean Sections in California

Recently the California HealthCare Foundation (CHCF) kicked off an effort, working in concert with a large number of partners in the state--- such as the California Maternity Quality Care Collaborative, Pacific Business Group on Health and the Hospital Quality Institute--  to lower the rates of low risk C-sections in the state.

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Increasing Access to Maternal Health Care in Sub-Saharan Africa

Increasing Access to Maternal Health Care in Sub-Saharan Africa

Every year in sub-Saharan Africa, almost 200,000 women die from complications related to pregnancy and childbirth. One in 39 women in sub-Saharan Africa is at risk of dying of pregnancy related complications, compared to one in 4,300 in developed countries. Sometimes we forget how truly lucky we are. 

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The Rebozo is More Than Just a Shawl

The Rebozo is More Than Just a Shawl

The rebozo (ree-bo-zo) is a delicately woven, multifunctional, traditional shawl from Mexico. According to Tereza Iniguez Flores, a Curandera and Holistic Life Coach at Community Well, the rebozo is a healing practice handed down by the ancestral grandmothers of Mexico.

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