5 Ways to Improve Family Wellness

family wellness classes san francisco yoga new parents

Everyone wants their family to be healthy and well. However, with our fast paced lives and work schedules, we might not always have time to improve our family's wellness. We learned via Kaplan University 5 easy ways you can help your family become healthier.

1. Cook with your kids.

Instead of going out to eat or buying fast food, try gathering your family together at least once a week to cook a healthy meal together. Not only will you be eating a meal that is nutritious, but you will also have quality time to talk and start a family tradition.

2. Family night.

Pick one night a week as ''family night'' and plan to do an activity together, such as playing board games. The article stated that, "Board games can teach children life skills and will provide opportunities for problem solving, learning how to deal appropriately with losing (and winning), lots of stress relief, and creativity." You can also camp in your back yard, have a family slumber party, assemble puzzles or get creative and pick your own favorite activities.

3. Hold regular family meetings.

The article stated that kids like to be a part of the decision-making process. Regular family meetings can allow your kids to help prep meals, determine who will do what chores, organize family outings and establish rules. The article mention that the Family Meetings website is a great resource for this.

4. Open those scrapbooks or photo albums.

Bond over memories and look over your family albums. The article stated that this can be a "great stress reliever and allows each member of the family to see how much they have grown over the years." If you don't have pictures, the article mentioned to have everyone journal about their experience and add those pages to your memories.

5. Volunteer

Volunteering "connects your family with the community you live in, promotes a sense of accomplishment and pride, and helps teach children life skills and critical thinking." Try to find a volunteering activity your family is passionate about. You can clean up a beach, help build a home, serve a meal at a homeless shelter, or plant, the possibilities are endless.

Now that you know 5 ways to improve your family's wellness, drop by Community Well for some more family fun! We offer a variety of classes to fit your family's wellness needs. Why not try Community Yoga together and get active? If you are new parents, connect with other new families in the Excelsior District at our New Parents Gathering and get tips and tricks about parenting. 

Click here for more info about our Community Yoga class.

Click here to learn more about our New Parents Gathering.