A Hard Lesson for America

A Hard Lesson for America

Typically, the American public pays attention to public education twice a year, at graduation and back to school. If this were any normal year, our family would be preparing for one of those cherished memories – our eldest kid’s first day of kindergarten. But this year is far from normal and the only thing we’re preparing for is month six of Camp Quarantine.

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Family Business

Family Business

Growing up, a sharp line separated “grown folks’ business” and kid activities. There was occasional overlap, but for the most part, adults and children occupied different orbits around the same familial planet. Information for children was on a “need to know” basis and adult affairs (the business kind) were conducted in mystery and sealed with a code of silence.

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Trust Your Instincts

Trust Your Instincts

One thing you learn from parenthood is to trust your instincts, especially where your children are concerned. It’s an important lesson if, like me, you’re someone who once prided themselves on being a “rationalist” and considered “analytical” among the highest compliments. Fortunately, time, experience, and children have (belatedly) broadened my view.

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Breaking Bad Habits

Breaking Bad Habits

New year, new you. January is the month of reinvention. Or, at least, the month to aspire toward reinvention. The last few days on social media have been like an online self-help convention. Each scroll uncovers reflections on the past year and motivational speeches for the next one. Everywhere you look, people are pledging to cast off their old bad habits and adopt new ones. Time to transform. Time to become the best version of yourself!

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Dolls are Not Enough

Dolls are Not Enough

If you’ve ever had the experience of being “the only one” growing up, you live in fear of a certain day. Well, several days, but the first occurs when your child becomes conscious of their difference and expresses insecurity about it.

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