Breaking Bad Habits

Breaking Bad Habits

New year, new you. January is the month of reinvention. Or, at least, the month to aspire toward reinvention. The last few days on social media have been like an online self-help convention. Each scroll uncovers reflections on the past year and motivational speeches for the next one. Everywhere you look, people are pledging to cast off their old bad habits and adopt new ones. Time to transform. Time to become the best version of yourself!

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These Easy-to-Miss Self-Care Practices Can Be Keys to Health & Happiness

These Easy-to-Miss Self-Care Practices Can Be Keys to Health & Happiness

If someone asked you to describe your lifestyle, do you think you would use words like satisfying, healthy, and balanced? If you fall short in any of those categories, chances are you’re neglecting some important self-care practices.

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Smart and Simple Soul-Feeding Activities

Smart and Simple Soul-Feeding Activities

What are you doing these days to feed your soul? With technology being what it is, many of us tend to think in terms of how much we can accomplish and how quickly it can be done. To make sure you don’t neglect your spiritual side, here are some simple and effective mental and physical routines which can help tend your inner being.

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Wellness Women of Color You Should Follow

Wellness Women of Color You Should Follow

I love learning about wellness and consider myself to be a wellness junkie. I’ll admit that I’m not an expert at self-care and fall off the wellness wagon here and there. But, at least I’m being fully honest about it. When I’m feeling a bit lazy and tired, I turn to social media and browse through my self-care pro’s pages. I guess that also counts as practicing self-care. Right? Yes! 

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Essential Oils Can Make A Difference

Essential Oils Can Make A Difference

A natural plant-based oil is composed of biologically volatile compounds that run through your brain in areas of emotion and memory. By simply applying essential oils to your pulse points (where your blood is closer to your skin) and then inhaling you can have the best results.

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