Breaking Bad Habits

Breaking Bad Habits

New year, new you. January is the month of reinvention. Or, at least, the month to aspire toward reinvention. The last few days on social media have been like an online self-help convention. Each scroll uncovers reflections on the past year and motivational speeches for the next one. Everywhere you look, people are pledging to cast off their old bad habits and adopt new ones. Time to transform. Time to become the best version of yourself!

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Dolls are Not Enough

Dolls are Not Enough

If you’ve ever had the experience of being “the only one” growing up, you live in fear of a certain day. Well, several days, but the first occurs when your child becomes conscious of their difference and expresses insecurity about it.

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One Alarm and Two Kids

One Alarm and Two Kids

I almost never use an alarm, except for rare and unpleasant occasions like an early morning flight out of SFO. Yet, two weeks from now, I’ll be heading to bed early (which is a minor death for me), and setting the clock app on my phone for a 4:00am wake-up. 

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Mama Self-Care: Finding Time for You!

Mama Self-Care: Finding Time for You!

Often, it's easy for moms to forget to schedule time for themselves. From drivings kids to soccer practice to cooking up a healthy dinner and getting them to bed on time, mamas don't have an easy job. Carving out some "you time" is essential for the health and sanity of you and your family. The Confident Mom shares a few helpful tips in penciling in time for self-care:

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Support Systems Are Vital in Preventing Teenage Depression

Support Systems Are Vital in Preventing Teenage Depression

We learned via The Science Daily that new research from the University of Cambridge found that friendships and family support are highly important in helping prevent depression among teenagers. Moreover, they found that "teenagers who had grown up in a difficult family environment were more likely than their peers to be bullied at school". 

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Science Proves Reading To Kids Really Does Change Their Brains

Science Proves Reading To Kids Really Does Change Their Brains

According to the Huffington PostPediatricians often recommend parents routinely read aloud to their young children. Research shows that reading aloud to children activates the parts of their brains that help with mental imagery and understanding narrative. This is key for the development of language and literacy.

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How to Teach Gratitude to Children

How to Teach Gratitude to Children

It is finally December and we are officially in the holiday season! The holidays are meant to express love, appreciation and gratitude towards our loved ones. However, teaching gratitude to our children is not the easiest parenting task. How can we teach our children to be grateful for what they have? 

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What We Need to Teach Young Women About Their Bodies

What We Need to Teach Young Women About Their Bodies

Ruth Miller, a retired sexual health educator and children's author, shares her experience working at a sexual health clinic in a Huffington Post blog. While interesting, her work has been frustrating as well.

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