Review Finds Improved Outcomes for Moms Who See Midwives

According to an article by the Huffington Post, more than 90 percent of the births in the US are supervised by doctors, however a “growing minority of women rely on midwives to provide their primary care.” A review published by The Cochrane Library finds that consistent midwife care throughout pregnancy is linked with better outcomes both for mom and baby. 

The article stated that, “Compared with women who mainly saw family physicians or obstetricians, or whose care was shared by some mix of doctors, nurses and midwives, women who had a midwife as their lead provider had fewer interventions and were less likely to deliver a premature baby.” 

Maureen Corry, executive director of Childbirth Connection, a national nonprofit focused on maternal care, stated in the article that, “Every woman should be aware of the benefits of midwifery-led care compared to obstetrician- or family physician-led care”. 

The review looked at 13 trials of more than 16,000 woman who saw a team of midwives while pregnant or just one primary midwife. Eight of the trials conducted included women who were at low-risk for complications during birth, while 5 of the woman had higher risks. Overall the review found that “women who saw midwives throughout their pregnancy were less likely to have an epidural painkiller, an episiotomy (an incision made from the vagina to anus during delivery), or a delivery using instruments, such as a vacuum or forceps.” 

The articled stated that, “For now, the researchers can only guess why continuous midwife care seems to confer important benefits…Having someone who is there for you, who you know is going to be there at your birth is important to women.” Since woman know their midwives, it is often easier for them to get in touch and the midwife can pick up any issues sooner and helping woman see the right specialist as soon as possible. 

As more woman learn about the benefits of having midwife, more may consider it. 

Are you interested in learning more about midwives? Community Well’s Laura Marina Perez, Midwife & Student Curandera, provides individualized midwifery services through her practice, Espíritu Midwifery, which includes prenatal care, attending labor and birth, postpartum care, well baby care and Well Woman Care (pap smears, fertility consults, contraception consults). 

Laura is also available to meet with young women to discuss their menarche, menstrual product options, and holistic support for puberty and adolescence. Set up a visit with Laura to learn more!

For more information about Laura's midwifery services, please visit:

Midwifery Services / Servicios de Parteria