What is Holistic Life Coaching?

We learned via LifeCoachingByMark that there are several benefits to holistic life coaching. Holistic life coaching allows you “to more easily integrate, focus, and empower your whole self on health, healing, and the realization of your goals, dreams, and desires.” It allows you to understand your potential, fear, inner struggle and leads to healing and transformation. You are not just accomplishing goals, but finding your inner essence and peace. 

As stated by the article, here are some benefits of Holistic Life Coaching: 

  • Greater balance, ease, and effectiveness at realizing your goals
  • Get out of self-limiting patterns
  • Free yourself of unnecessary struggle, conflict, and stress
  • Brings the deeper, more powerful parts of yourself together in support of your goals and healing process
  • Avoids imbalance
  • Provides you a source of support, strength, encouragement and motivation
  • Accesses and works with the incredible power of your subconscious mind to unlock new potentials and possibilities
  • Transforms the change process into a positive, uplifting, and self-empowering experience
  • Begins from a place of wholeness and self-acceptance in the present moment, from which you come to enjoy the realization of your goals
  • Empowers healing and whole-self transformation
  • Includes both traditional and non-traditional/alternative healing and empowerment techniques
  • Supports overall improved health, energy, vitality, and well-being to your mind, body, and soul

At Community Well, our Holistic Life Coach/Curandera Tereza Iñiguez-Flore offers a unique style of life coaching with a holistic blend of Meso American/Curanderismo modalities. Her work transforms the lives of individuals, couples and families seeking to find unity, healthy communication, empowerment, and growth, as they discover and free their inner essence.  

Schedule an appointment with Tereza and start your healing journey.