Essential Oils Can Make A Difference

Essential Oils Can Make A Difference

A natural plant-based oil is composed of biologically volatile compounds that run through your brain in areas of emotion and memory. By simply applying essential oils to your pulse points (where your blood is closer to your skin) and then inhaling you can have the best results.

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Why Everyone Should Consider Seeing A Life Coach

Why Everyone Should Consider Seeing A Life Coach

We learned via The Greatist that there are many benefits to meeting with a life coach. They stated that, "Coaching is different from psychotherapy, though it can be used in conjunction with therapy. It focuses on helping clients to thrive in the present and future, and on creating a vision and action plan towards living life to its fullest capacity."

Check out these 5 reasons why you should consider meeting with a life coach! 

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New Study: Stress Affects Males and Females Differently

New Study: Stress Affects Males and Females Differently

According to The Science Daily, a new study from the Weizmann Institute of Science found that "a stress receptor in the brain regulates metabolic responses to stressful situations differently in male and female mice". Moreover, the results could help develop treatments for regulating hunger or stress responses, including anxiety and depression. 

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Community Well's Artist in Residence - Luis Marroquin

Community Well's Artist in Residence - Luis Marroquin

Luis Marroquin is a Bay Area multi-media artist who uses his art as a tool to support community. He channels his creativity through a process he calls Inner Tribe which describes going back to the roots of living in a supportive community which was art, spirituality and the focus on the tribe as a whole as opposed to the individual.

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Who Can Benefit From Somatic Healing?

Who Can Benefit From Somatic Healing?

According to Somatic Experiencing Australia, "anybody who wishes to regain a sense of empowerment by learning about and experiencing their body's natural ability to calm itself after strong feelings or activation caused by a situation they perceive as being stressful or threatening can benefit from somatic experiencing".

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5 Secrets to a Stress-Free Life

5 Secrets to a Stress-Free Life

According to Garance Clos, wellness advocate, writer, and yoga teacher, people over complicate things when it comes to stress reduction. She says, "You don't have to start doing yoga every week, eat more kale, go vegan or know what a chakra is." All you need to do is relax! She offers 5 ways for us to easily reduce stress and anxiety:

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Spread the Word About the Benefits of Marriage and Family Therapy

Spread the Word About the Benefits of Marriage and Family Therapy

The American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT) aims to "enhance the recognition of the profession and practice of marriage and family therapy," as it is often confused with other behavioral healthcare disciplines. In this video, AAMFT wants to inform the public that marriage and family therapy is a distinct profession, and to dispel the myth that it is a subset of other behavioral healthcare professions.

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Why Men Should Give Yoga a Try

Why Men Should Give Yoga a Try

People often associate yoga with women. However, men can and should practice yoga too! We learned via an article by Greatist that yoga is a “a full-body workout… It isn’t all about sitting, chanting, meditating, talking about feelings, or any other stereotypes. According to some scientific research, yoga can build strength, increase flexibility, and improve balance, stability, sleep, and relaxation.” 

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What is Holistic Life Coaching?

What is Holistic Life Coaching?

We learned via LifeCoachingByMark that there are several benefits to holistic life coaching. Holistic life coaching allows you “to more easily integrate, focus, and empower your whole self on health, healing, and the realization of your goals, dreams, and desires.” It allows you to understand your potential, fear, inner struggle and leads to healing and transformation. You are not just accomplishing goals, but finding your inner essence and peace. 

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Tips for Living a Happy and Prosperous Life

Tips for Living a Happy and Prosperous Life

With January soon coming to an end, we are all likely reflecting upon our new year's resolutions and goals for the year. Here are a few tips and pieces of advice for living a more prosperous life in 2016 from Anna Lemind, owner of

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VICTORY! SB407 Signed Into Law!

VICTORY! SB407 Signed Into Law!

Hooray! Thanks to the passing of SB407, services by licensed midwives will now be covered by Medi-Cal! Governor Brown signed this legislation at the end of September and we are so proud to be witnessing it. Now all birthing families and midwives will be supported in California!

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The Rebozo is More Than Just a Shawl

The Rebozo is More Than Just a Shawl

The rebozo (ree-bo-zo) is a delicately woven, multifunctional, traditional shawl from Mexico. According to Tereza Iniguez Flores, a Curandera and Holistic Life Coach at Community Well, the rebozo is a healing practice handed down by the ancestral grandmothers of Mexico.

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