Who Benefits From Somatic Healing?

Who Benefits From Somatic Healing?

We learned via SEAustraila that anyone who wishes to feel empowered again and learn about "their body’s natural ability to calm itself after strong feelings or activation caused by a situation they perceive as being stressful or threatening" can benefit from somatic healing.

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Benefits of Holistic Treatments

Benefits of Holistic Treatments

We learned via Health Guidance that "modern medicine has evolved into more discoveries of new drugs and new forms of treatment to cure diseases. However, another kind of treatment has given rise to a more realistic approach to cure illness – the holistic way which is a kind of treatment that would go back to the basic roots of the cause of the illness and the person’s whole being as an important part of this treatment."

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4 Interesting Reasons to Try Therapy

4 Interesting Reasons to Try Therapy

We learned via an article by Forbes that some people are under the misconception that therapy is for people who are "weak". However, this isn't true. The article stated that, "Psychotherapy is a tool that creates success. Smart people use it." 

Therapy is something that everyone must try at least once in there lives. Here are 4 reasons why!

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Who Can Benefit From Somatic Healing?

Who Can Benefit From Somatic Healing?

According to Somatic Experiencing Australia, "anybody who wishes to regain a sense of empowerment by learning about and experiencing their body's natural ability to calm itself after strong feelings or activation caused by a situation they perceive as being stressful or threatening can benefit from somatic experiencing".

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How Can Holistic Life Coaching Benefit Me?

How Can Holistic Life Coaching Benefit Me?

We learned via LifeCoachExpert that holistic life coaching can provide individuals with the tools they need to reach harmony and balance in their lives. Adopting a holistic approach to life means that you set your mind, body and spirit as a whole.

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5 Secrets to a Stress-Free Life

5 Secrets to a Stress-Free Life

According to Garance Clos, wellness advocate, writer, and yoga teacher, people over complicate things when it comes to stress reduction. She says, "You don't have to start doing yoga every week, eat more kale, go vegan or know what a chakra is." All you need to do is relax! She offers 5 ways for us to easily reduce stress and anxiety:

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What is Reiki? A Different Way of Healing

What is Reiki? A Different Way of Healing

Are you interested in trying out a different way of healing? Try out Reiki! According to the Reiki Association, reiki is Japanese for “universal life energy, and is also a word used to describe a system of natural healing.” Reiki treatments can help the body emotionally and spiritually and can be used with other types of conventional treatments. 

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What is Holistic Life Coaching?

What is Holistic Life Coaching?

We learned via LifeCoachingByMark that there are several benefits to holistic life coaching. Holistic life coaching allows you “to more easily integrate, focus, and empower your whole self on health, healing, and the realization of your goals, dreams, and desires.” It allows you to understand your potential, fear, inner struggle and leads to healing and transformation. You are not just accomplishing goals, but finding your inner essence and peace. 

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12 Amazing Health Benefits of Acupuncture

12 Amazing Health Benefits of Acupuncture

We learned via an article by the Huffington Post that acupuncture “helps us see the world differently -- with more hope, openness, intention, gratitude, compassion, patience and clarity.” What exactly are the benefit to this ancient way of healing? 

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4 Benefits of Therapy (For Everyone!)

4 Benefits of Therapy (For Everyone!)

Therapy offers many benefits for everyone, not just people who are going through tough times. As naturally social creatures, we can benefit from talking about our problems and finding healthy outlets for stress relief. We learned via an article by the Huffington Post that, “research has shown that verbalizing feelings can have a significant therapeutic effect on the brain.” 

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