5 Reasons To Get CPR Certified!

cpr san francisco certification

According to an article via Everyday Health, most people who suffer from a heart attack outside of a hospital do not get CPR from a bystander, which significantly lessens their chances of survival. Here are 5 reasons to get CPR training now:

1. CPR Saves Lives

More than 30,000 have heart attacks in the US every year. By preforming CPR you are able to "help the person’s blood keep circulating until an ambulance arrives and more advanced tools can be used." We know that the chance of surviving a sudden heart attack increases significantly, by more than double, when CPR is started early.

2. CPR is not performed enough

Did you know that bystander CPR is done is less than half of all out-of-hospital cardiac arrests? According to the article, "ational statistics have shown that only 15 to 30 percent of people who experience sudden cardiac arrests outside of hospitals receive bystander CPR." When people are asked why they would not give CPR, a common answer is that they do not have the training. Other concerns such as doing harm to the person, to oneself, legal risks and concerns about infection often lesson once people learn proper CPR training. 

3. You don’t have to do mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. 

Another reason people state they do not perform CPR is because of concerns performing mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. The article found that "In 2010 the guidelines for performing CPR were changed, and they now say that those who do not feel comfortable, or who have not received formal training, should attempt hands-only CPR." Moreover, hands-only CPR has been shown to be just as effective for adults experiencing a heart attack.

4. Most cardiac arrests occur in the home. 

The article found that "more than 85 percent of cardiac arrests take place at home." There has been a big push by the American Heart Association to bring CPR training to schools, which can save even more lives.

Now that you know the facts, get CPR certified! This month, Community Well is hosting an Infant/Child/Adult CPR training class, where you can get a training with 2-year certification for the community. 

Contact us to learn more about the workshop!