5 Ways to Create Abundance and Prosperity

Are you looking to attract abundance and prosperity into your life? The meaning of prosperity differs from person to person, whether its a beautiful home or peace and tranquility of the mind. However, if you want to attract more prosperity into your life, an article by GetMotivation shares 5 helpful tips.

1. Understand Attraction Law

Also known as the law of attraction, the attraction law states that, "you attract whatever you give your attention and energy to, whether wanted or unwanted". Using and understanding the law of attraction will help you attract more abundance and prosperity in your life. The article stated, "So, if you're curious about what you're putting out there, look at what you are attracting, the visible results in your life."

2. You get what you focus on

One of the most important concepts of the law of attraction is that you get what you focus and put your mind to. This can range from money, relationships to employment. The article stated, "So when you focus on having less, that is the experience you create for yourself." Saying you hate your job or relationship will draw more attention to the parts of your work or relationship that you don't like.

However, desiring something is not enough because you will continue to think about what you don't have. The article stated,"Always focusing on what you lack means that you don't see the present and future opportunities, or begin to realize your true desires." Focus on what you do have and the positive possibilities for the future.

3. Clear your head

In order to focus more effective, you must clear your mind. Our minds are full of "old, tired and limiting beliefs, which don't reflect who we are now, or who we want to become." Set aside time to clear your thoughts daily and think about what you really want to attract in your life.

4. Appreciate life's abundance

Appreciating life's abundance and the things you already have is another way to open yourself up and accept more prosperity. The article stated, "When you fully appreciate what you have in your life, the Universe has a way of giving you more." Try keeping a gratitude journal and write down everything that you are thankful for. You will begin to see your energy change to a more positive one and you will "become more internally aligned with what you want to create in your life."

5. Use prosperity affirmations

Use your gratitude journal to write down prosperity affirmations as well. The article stated that "Affirmations are statements of acceptance that you use to manifest your destiny or what you want to create in your life. They are powerful, positive thoughts and words sent out to the universe."

If you want to use affirmations, then you must first believe that this is possible. To make your affirmations more effective, try saying them out loud and notice the difference in your energy.

Next, visualize what you want to create in your life and let this support your prosperity affirmations.

Overall, once you start seeing what you already have in life and start making more informed decisions, you will find greater opportunities and attract more abundance and prosperity into your life.

Are you interested in learning more about creating prosperity in your life? Drop-in to our weekly Claiming Prosperity workshop facilitated by Jennifer Navarro-Marroquin.

This ongoing workshop series will focus on how to personally shift our mindset and energy to the high vibration of Prosperity. There will be discussions around creating a person definition of prosperity, how to change our limiting beliefs around money, how to build wealth. There will be visioning exercises around manifesting an abundant joyful life. Meditation techniques will be shared and facilitated. Movement and somatic exercises will also be practiced.

Check us out at The Well, we wish you much prosperity abundance in your life!