5 Ways to Create Abundance and Prosperity

5 Ways to Create Abundance and Prosperity

Are you looking to attract abundance and prosperity into your life? The meaning of prosperity differs from person to person, whether its a beautiful home or peace and tranquility of the mind. However, if you want to attract more prosperity into your life, an article by GetMotivation shares 5 helpful tips.

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What Yoga Can Do for Men Physically and Mentally

What Yoga Can Do for Men Physically and Mentally

In an article by the San Jose Mercury News, we found that "millions of American men -- about 3.6 million, according to a 2012 Yoga Journal study -- practice yoga". Does this mean that men have overcome the idea that yoga is simply for women? 

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13 Yoga Poses to De-stress

13 Yoga Poses to De-stress

We learned via an info-graphic by HealthyFoodHouse that yoga helps individuals de-stress and find balance. There are many yoga poses that help with relaxation, however today we have 13 yoga poses that you can try anywhere to de-stress! Take a look at their info-graphic to see clear pictures about how to preform these poses. 

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5 Secrets to a Stress-Free Life

5 Secrets to a Stress-Free Life

According to Garance Clos, wellness advocate, writer, and yoga teacher, people over complicate things when it comes to stress reduction. She says, "You don't have to start doing yoga every week, eat more kale, go vegan or know what a chakra is." All you need to do is relax! She offers 5 ways for us to easily reduce stress and anxiety:

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Prenatal Yoga for Easier Delivery

Prenatal Yoga for Easier Delivery

One of the most anxious aspects of pregnancy is labor and delivery. We learned via an article by parents.com that many women spend weeks, even months, feeling anxious about childbirth. However, the article stated that women who practice prenatal yoga before giving birth learn how to decrease their anxiety about labor. 

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Why Men Should Give Yoga a Try

Why Men Should Give Yoga a Try

People often associate yoga with women. However, men can and should practice yoga too! We learned via an article by Greatist that yoga is a “a full-body workout… It isn’t all about sitting, chanting, meditating, talking about feelings, or any other stereotypes. According to some scientific research, yoga can build strength, increase flexibility, and improve balance, stability, sleep, and relaxation.” 

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12 Amazing Health Benefits of Acupuncture

12 Amazing Health Benefits of Acupuncture

We learned via an article by the Huffington Post that acupuncture “helps us see the world differently -- with more hope, openness, intention, gratitude, compassion, patience and clarity.” What exactly are the benefit to this ancient way of healing? 

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Words of Wisdom, From Yana Ibrahim

Words of Wisdom, From Yana Ibrahim

Beginning in February Yana Ibrahim, an ACE certified personal trainer and certified Level 1 Prenatal Yoga Teacher with MamaTree, will be joining the team of practitioners at Community Well. She has a few words of wisdom for those interested in her two classes, Postnatal Fitness Conditioning and Community Yoga. For class dates and times, please see our calendar of classes and free programs

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Yoga’s Healing Powers for Cancer Survivors

Yoga’s Healing Powers for Cancer Survivors

Yoga has become one of the biggest fitness trends in recent years. Yoga studios are opening up in every city and there is surely at least one in your neighborhood. While yoga may be one of the biggest fitness trends nowadays, a study reveals yoga’s true healing powers for cancer survivors. 

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