How to Create an Abundant Mindset

How to Create an Abundant Mindset

Developing an abundant mindset is important because it allowed you to see life in a bigger perspective. We learned via Positivity Blog that, “there are always new chances and opportunities” when you realize the importance of abundance in your life. Here are 3 ways to create an abundant mindset:

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Words of Wisdom, From Jennifer Navarro-Marroquin

Words of Wisdom, From Jennifer Navarro-Marroquin

Jennifer Navarro-Marroquin is a financial professional who helps individuals, families, and business owners to secure their financial futures. She also has an extensive background in the healing arts including: massage, aromatherapy, energy work, breathwork, and meditation. 

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5 Ways to Create Abundance and Prosperity

5 Ways to Create Abundance and Prosperity

Are you looking to attract abundance and prosperity into your life? The meaning of prosperity differs from person to person, whether its a beautiful home or peace and tranquility of the mind. However, if you want to attract more prosperity into your life, an article by GetMotivation shares 5 helpful tips.

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Tips for Living a Happy and Prosperous Life

Tips for Living a Happy and Prosperous Life

With January soon coming to an end, we are all likely reflecting upon our new year's resolutions and goals for the year. Here are a few tips and pieces of advice for living a more prosperous life in 2016 from Anna Lemind, owner of

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