What is Somatic Healing? The Benefits for Healing Trauma

We learned via PsychCentral that life events such as death, illness, near-death accidents or experiences can result in traumas. However, Somatic Psychotherapy or Somatic Healing, can help patients suffering from trauma to cope and recover. PsychCentral defines Somatic therapy as a “holistic therapy that studies the relationship between the mind and body in regard to psychological past.” 

The article stated that according to some psychologists, “our bodies hold on to past traumas which are reflected in our body language, posture and also expressions. In some cases past traumas may manifest physical symptoms like pain, digestive issues, hormonal imbalances, sexual dysfunction and immune system dysfunction, medical issues, depression, anxiety and addiction.”

However, somatic healing can help individuals return to a state of homeostasis or balance. This therapy helps individuals in providing relief and treating physical and mental symptoms from past traumas. 

The articled stated that the main goal of somatic therapy is “recognition and release of physical tension that may remain in the body in the aftermath of a traumatic event.” In a typical session, the patient tracks their experience of sensations throughout their body. Many sessions may include “bodily sensations, dance, breathing techniques, voice work, physical exercise, movement and healing touch.” 

The Benefits

There are several benefits to somatic healing. The articled stated that it “reframes and transforms current or past negative experiences, inculcates greater sense of oneself, confidence, resilience and hope. It reduces discomfort, strain and stress while developing a heightened ability to concentrate.”

When the somatic therapy session is complete, patients report a “a feeling of being free, less stressful and more engaged with life.”

Are you interested in taking a somatic therapy session in San Francisco? 

Sue Kuyper is a Somatic Therapist and Healer at Community Well. She offers somatic healing for individuals, couples and groups in English and Spanish with a specialty in serving social justice activists and community workers. The work is centered in generative somatics, a politicized body-based form of transformation and embodiment.

Reach out to Sue and begin healing yourself to a state of balance and strength.