Words of Wisdom, From Jennifer Navarro-Marroquin

Jennifer Navarro-Marroquin is a financial professional who helps individuals, families, and business owners to secure their financial futures. She also has an extensive background in the healing arts including: massage, aromatherapy, energy work, breathwork, and meditation. She feels very fortunate to have found a way to weave together her financial background, and her holistic arts background to provide a unique service right here at Community Well. Currently, she offers two weekly workshops every Monday, Financial Empowerment and Claiming Prosperity. For the most up-to-date information about meeting times, please see our calendar of classes and free programs

Jennifer's Words of Wisdom:

April is Financial Literacy Month.  

This month is a beautiful invitation for you to deepen your relationship with your finances.  I believe that wealth is a science and there is a psychology associated with wealth.  Why do I say that wealth is a science?  Because there are laws, principles, and formulas, that if you understand and follow, you will become wealthy in body, mind, & spirit.

5 Secrets Of A Wealth Mindset:

#5  In order to bring more wealth in to your life you must first define what wealth means to you.  It all starts with clarity.

#4  Step up and give more than you expect to receive. "Go from try to get, to starting to give."

#3  Wealth is 90% psychology (beliefs and emotions) and 10% mechanics (products, assets, vehicles).

#2  Don't think about what you don't have, and instead think about what you do have.

#1  The master key to wealth is gratitude.  Be in a state of gratitude as much as possible.