Renewal and Rebalancing

Renewal and Rebalancing

After a long day of work and still many tasks to go, we create busy routines in our lives. It's hard to notice we didn't take care of ourselves the way we should and this creates a build up of stress...

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Healing Trauma

Healing Trauma

Events such as the death of a family member, natural disasters or emotional and physical abuse can leave a negative mark in our life. According to Psychology Today, "Trauma feelings cannot be repressed or forgotten". This will lead to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

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Nurture Yourself: Women's Cricles

Nurture Yourself: Women's Cricles

Joining a women's circle is a great way to nurture yourself.  Women circles provide a safe atmosphere for women to share, receive support and strengthen bonds with other women. The collective wisdom of a circle can be very powerful for breakthroughs and healing.

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Who Benefits From Somatic Healing?

Who Benefits From Somatic Healing?

We learned via SEAustraila that anyone who wishes to feel empowered again and learn about "their body’s natural ability to calm itself after strong feelings or activation caused by a situation they perceive as being stressful or threatening" can benefit from somatic healing.

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What is Homeopathic Medicine?

What is Homeopathic Medicine?

Homeopathic Medicine is "the practice of medicine that embraces a holistic, natural approach to the treatment of the sick", according to the American Institute of Homeopathy. The person is treated as a whole, rather than a diseased part of a labeled sickness. Homeopathy is a natural alternative because its remedies are from natural sources, such as vegetables, minerals, or animals in nature. 

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Community Well's Artist in Residence - Luis Marroquin

Community Well's Artist in Residence - Luis Marroquin

Luis Marroquin is a Bay Area multi-media artist who uses his art as a tool to support community. He channels his creativity through a process he calls Inner Tribe which describes going back to the roots of living in a supportive community which was art, spirituality and the focus on the tribe as a whole as opposed to the individual.

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Words of Wisdom, From Jennifer Navarro-Marroquin

Words of Wisdom, From Jennifer Navarro-Marroquin

Jennifer Navarro-Marroquin is a financial professional who helps individuals, families, and business owners to secure their financial futures. She also has an extensive background in the healing arts including: massage, aromatherapy, energy work, breathwork, and meditation. 

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