4 Tips For Talking About The Birds & The Bees with Kids!

Talking about sex to your kids is difficult for almost every parent. However, we learned via Family Share 4 easy ways that can help make this conversation easier for you and your child. 

1. Consider your attitudes about sex.

Ask yourself how you learned about sex and if it was a comfortable topic for you to discuss as a kid. The article stated, "If you are apprehensive about sex, try and resolve why. Resolving any concerns you have about the subject will likely result in increased confidence, making the communication process more natural."

2. Avoid one big "birds and bees" talk. 

You don't want to overload your child with information about sex all at once. It is understandable you don't want your child to wait until it is too late to talk about sex, however "current research suggests focusing on little teaching moment opportunities.". The article stated, "Sex education is a lifelong process. Make it an open, ongoing conversation, without that awkward sit-down talk." This also helps your child not feel overwhelmed with too much information and provides a opportunity to ask new questions with each small conversation. 

3. Stay positive and communicative. 

Create an environment where your child feels comfortable in asking questions about sensitive issues, like sex. The best place for a child to learn about sex is at home with the people who care most about him or her.

4. Use correct body part terms. 

You may feel the need to replace certain body part names with made up words. However, it is best to refrain doing so. Concepts can still be simplified and easy to understand for children while naming their body parts by their real names. 

Interested in learning more about how you can talk to your kids about sex? Join and meet with Leah Chalofsky, MFT to get tips and resources for having age-appropriate conversations with your kids. Her 45-minute workshop will include a handout, a chance to look at recommended books, and an opportunity to ask questions and discuss topics. The workshop can be geared towards young kids or tweens/teens, depending on the needs of the participants who attend.

Parents/caregivers of all ages are welcome! This workshop will be offered 8 times in June! So mark your calendars for the date that will work best for you. No pre-registration required.  Pre-crawling babies are welcome.

Contact us for more info about her workshop.