The Benefits of Postnatal Exercise

Congratulations! You’ve just finished the toughest workout of your life and now you are wondering how you are going to balance taking care of your new baby and fitting in some exercise. According to Tracey Mallett from, “Postnatal exercise offers a whole range of benefits for new moms.” However, before jumping into any exercise program it’s very important to talk with your doctor to determine how quickly you can resume back to your exercise routine.

7 Benefits Of Postnatal Exercises:

  1. Help enhance your mood by increasing the release of good chemicals. You would have had a roller coaster ride with those hormonal shifts. Postnatal exercises will help you regain your actual self.
  2. Heal your once pregnant body by getting rid of aches and pains.
  3. Help in weight loss management if pursued along with a balanced diet.
  4. Replenish your tired body with vigor and vitality that you need to raise your baby.
  5. Enhance the stamina levels, helping you to take charge during motherhood.
  6. Tone your body and make it flexible.
  7. Reduce the heavy postnatal depression with a healthy mind.

Beginning next month, Yana Ibrahim will be teaching Postnatal Fitness Conditioning at Community Well. Key focus areas for the class will be pelvic floor conditioning, abdominal recovery and increasing cardiorespiratory fitness. In the meantime, we encourage you to try out Mama Yoga with Renée Wilson! You don’t need to be pregnant or postpartum to take any of the classes, we hope to see you soon!