New Study: Stress Affects Males and Females Differently

New Study: Stress Affects Males and Females Differently

According to The Science Daily, a new study from the Weizmann Institute of Science found that "a stress receptor in the brain regulates metabolic responses to stressful situations differently in male and female mice". Moreover, the results could help develop treatments for regulating hunger or stress responses, including anxiety and depression. 

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How Yoga Fosters a Real Community

How Yoga Fosters a Real Community

According to Yoga Journal, the secret to living a happy and healthy life is spending quality time with family, friends, and community, while also staying open to new relationships. One way to forge new and lasting connections is through yoga.

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Mama Self-Care: Finding Time for You!

Mama Self-Care: Finding Time for You!

Often, it's easy for moms to forget to schedule time for themselves. From drivings kids to soccer practice to cooking up a healthy dinner and getting them to bed on time, mamas don't have an easy job. Carving out some "you time" is essential for the health and sanity of you and your family. The Confident Mom shares a few helpful tips in penciling in time for self-care:

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Why Practice Prenatal Yoga?

Why Practice Prenatal Yoga?

We learned via All Baby Mag that there are many benefits to prenatal yoga. Yoga not only helps you stay fit during pregnancy, but also creates a special bond with your baby. 

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The Fertile Seed: A Workshop For Women On Their Sacred Journey To Motherhood

The Fertile Seed: A Workshop For Women On Their Sacred Journey To Motherhood

The Fertile Seed is a workshop designed to bring out the very best in you as you prepare yourself for the ultimate sacred journey of motherhood. Are you elated? Do you have fear and anxiety? Is your mind ruling your heart? Do you just want a safe space to move, be still, be seen and be heard? This is the space for you.

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Support, Personal Growth & 3 More Benefits of Joining a "Mom Group"

Support, Personal Growth & 3 More Benefits of Joining a "Mom Group"

According to Diet-to-Go guest blogger Mia Redrick, "eight percent of moms do not take care of themselves... some even ignoring basic personal care tasks like going to the dentist, fixing their hair, or even showering". She adds, "Few Moms take the time to go out with the girls or even relax by themselves in the bathtub for a few minutes."

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13 Yoga Poses to De-stress

13 Yoga Poses to De-stress

We learned via an info-graphic by HealthyFoodHouse that yoga helps individuals de-stress and find balance. There are many yoga poses that help with relaxation, however today we have 13 yoga poses that you can try anywhere to de-stress! Take a look at their info-graphic to see clear pictures about how to preform these poses. 

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Prenatal Yoga for Easier Delivery

Prenatal Yoga for Easier Delivery

One of the most anxious aspects of pregnancy is labor and delivery. We learned via an article by that many women spend weeks, even months, feeling anxious about childbirth. However, the article stated that women who practice prenatal yoga before giving birth learn how to decrease their anxiety about labor. 

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Words of Wisdom, From Yana Ibrahim

Words of Wisdom, From Yana Ibrahim

Beginning in February Yana Ibrahim, an ACE certified personal trainer and certified Level 1 Prenatal Yoga Teacher with MamaTree, will be joining the team of practitioners at Community Well. She has a few words of wisdom for those interested in her two classes, Postnatal Fitness Conditioning and Community Yoga. For class dates and times, please see our calendar of classes and free programs

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The Benefits of Postnatal Exercise

The Benefits of Postnatal Exercise

Congratulations! You’ve just finished the toughest workout of your life and now you are wondering how you are going to balance taking care of your new baby and fitting in some exercise.

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