Tips for Pre- and Postnatal Fitness

Lisa Druxman, creator of Stroller Strides, shares a few fitness tips to take you through the nine months of your pregnancy and the nine months following childbirth.

Prenatal Exercise

According to the article, "The most recent research shows that exercise is beneficial for mom and baby during pregnancy. So long as there are no contraindications (ask your doctor), you should be able to work out throughout your pregnancy". 

The purpose of working during this stage of your life changes. For the majority of our lives, we workout to tighten up. Now, you must workout to loosen up for childbirth. Moreover, exercise needs to be stress relieving, not stress producing. Druxman says, "The exercises you choose should get your heart pumping, stretch your body, and help you manage weight gain". She adds, "It will also help prepare you for the "marathon" of labor and delivery". Your pregnancy and labor will be much easier if you're fit! 

Popular workout routines for pregnancy include prenatal yoga, walking, and water workouts. The most important thing, however, is to listen to your body and don't over do it. 

The 9 Months After Baby

Seventy percent of moms are unsatisfied with their bodies after nine months of giving birth. Druxman says, "Even those lucky few who do take off their pregnancy weight don't necessarily regain their same body composition". After giving birth, most doctors tell new moms that they can start out with gentle exercise, such as stretching, slow walking, abdominal crunches, and Kegel exercises. According to Druxman, "Your body is a good barometer and will tell you when you're doing too much through increased vaginal bleeding". If that happens, it's time to rest and relax some more. Most doctors will recommend that you wait six weeks after childbirth to begin a formal exercise program. 

Community Well offers weekly Mama Prenatal Yoga and Postnatal Fitness Conditioning. Prenatal Yoga with Renee Wilson will help prepare you for birth and beyond, easing the aches and pains commonly found during pregnancy. Postnatal Fitness Conditioning with Yana Ibrahim will help you heal your postpartum body and regain stability, strength, and vitality.