4 Reasons To Practice Prenatal Yoga

4 Reasons To Practice Prenatal Yoga

We learned via Chopra that "regular prenatal yoga classes can help keep you centered, calm, and relatively pain-free throughout your pregnancy." It is easy to get overwhelmed and flustered on the things that you must prepare for pregnancy, but yoga can help you refocus. Here are 4 reasons why you should try prenatal yoga!

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New Study: Stress Affects Males and Females Differently

New Study: Stress Affects Males and Females Differently

According to The Science Daily, a new study from the Weizmann Institute of Science found that "a stress receptor in the brain regulates metabolic responses to stressful situations differently in male and female mice". Moreover, the results could help develop treatments for regulating hunger or stress responses, including anxiety and depression. 

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Prenatal Yoga for Easier Delivery

Prenatal Yoga for Easier Delivery

One of the most anxious aspects of pregnancy is labor and delivery. We learned via an article by parents.com that many women spend weeks, even months, feeling anxious about childbirth. However, the article stated that women who practice prenatal yoga before giving birth learn how to decrease their anxiety about labor. 

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Words of Wisdom, From Yana Ibrahim

Words of Wisdom, From Yana Ibrahim

Beginning in February Yana Ibrahim, an ACE certified personal trainer and certified Level 1 Prenatal Yoga Teacher with MamaTree, will be joining the team of practitioners at Community Well. She has a few words of wisdom for those interested in her two classes, Postnatal Fitness Conditioning and Community Yoga. For class dates and times, please see our calendar of classes and free programs

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