For Men: 10 Tips to Reduce Stress

One of the biggest factors affecting men's health is stress. Living in our modern and fast paced society does not making reducing stress any easier. However, not to fear! 

Today we will share with you 10 tips to reduce your stress and how to focus on your overall wellness. 

We learned via EverydayHealth that the "tension and emotional strain of day-to-day living has been linked to heart disease, high blood pressure, migraines, back pain, diabetes, cancer and a weakened immune response to disease." In fact, men experiencing high levels of stress can experience "anxiety, insomnia, fatigue and depression" and are more likely to have unhealthy habits, such as smoking, drinking and overeating to help lower their stress. 

So, what's a man to do? EverydayHealth recommends these 10 tips to reduce your stress: 

  1. Exercise regularly. Yes, you read it right! Exercise helps reduce stress levels by burning off built-up tension and energy. Plus, you are burning calories and improving your overall fitness and health. Double win! 
  2. Eat and sleep well. Eating nutritious foods and avoiding stimulants like caffeine and alcohol, which increase stress and sleeplessness, help your body recover from the stress you are experiencing. Also, sleeping 6 to 8 hours each will help you tackle any new stress to come. 
  3. Meditate. Breathe and clear your mind by spending 15 to 20 minutes meditating, practicing yoga or even sitting in a quiet room. Choose an activity that makes you feel the most comfortable and at ease. 
  4. Solve the cause of your stress. Confronting the problems that cause you tension in your life will help relieve your stress. Refusing to take action will build up your stress and lead to more physical and emotional problems down the road. Talk to your boss about problems at work and strive to find a solution. Reach out to a loved one if family issues are causing you stress. Remember, it is important to ask for help when you can’t tackle everything demanded of you. 
  5. Avoid stressful situations. Be aware of situations which cause you stress and avoid them. Does shopping in a crowded store cause you tension? Shop during hours when the store is not crowded. Aim to avoid your stressors. 
  6. Accept things you can’t change. There will always be things in our lives which we can’t control. For example, evening traffic or the commute home can be stressful for all of us. However, we can’t control the pace of other drivers, so why not listen your favorite songs from years ago or take the time to positively reflect on your day? Accept what you can’t change and think about it positively!
  7. Don’t take on more than you can handle. Be aware of your schedule and commitments. It is okay to say no when too much is asked of us. Give yourself time to finish the things which truly matter to you. 
  8. Take a “glass half full” attitude. It sounds cliché, but having a positive outlook can drastically change your perceptions and mindset about challenges arising in your life.
  9. Tackle first things first. Determine the most important tasks you need to accomplish and complete those first. Try to not juggle multiple projects at once. 
  10. Celebrate your victories. When you accomplish a goal, treat yourself! It can be something small as a massage to a weekend trip. Reward yourself before taking on another big project.  

Following these 10 tips will change your attitude and form a more positive outlook about your life. In addition to these tips, visit us at The Well for stress reducing classes and services. 

Our yoga instructor, Luis Hernandez, offers a stress reduction class specifically for men. You will learn poses and breathing techniques to relax and revive your spirit. Click here for more information about the class and to register. 

We hope to see you at The Well and on your way to becoming stress free!