I can’t keep calm because I have anxiety!

I can’t keep calm because I have anxiety!

Sound familiar? You are not alone. Almost everyone I know has been experiencing anxiety in some form recently. Whether it is from politics, concerns about health care, police brutality, life stress, loss, hormonal changes, or some unknown reason – there is a lot to feel anxious about these days!

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Wellness Tips: How to Foster Self-Healing

Wellness Tips: How to Foster Self-Healing

According to an article by Woman's Day, "One of the most important components of healing is recognizing the powerful connection between your mind and body". The article states, "Studies show that stress and negative emotions can cause a physical reaction that can slow your body's ability to heal". Here are a few tips to help you foster self-healing:

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Why Teens Go to Therapy

Why Teens Go to Therapy

Many teens are hesitant about seeing a therapist, often refusing help. It's important for parents to not overlook key signs that their child may need professional help. Here are 10 reasons why teens attend therapy, according to an article by verywell.com

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5 Tips To Talk To Your Child About Body Image

5 Tips To Talk To Your Child About Body Image

It is never too late to teach children about body positivity! An article by Romper shared tips for how to talk to your children about body image. Knowing how to communicate healthy messages about body image to kids is an important skill every parent should learn. 

Here are 5 tips to help you start the conversation! 

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Who Can Benefit From Somatic Healing?

Who Can Benefit From Somatic Healing?

According to Somatic Experiencing Australia, "anybody who wishes to regain a sense of empowerment by learning about and experiencing their body's natural ability to calm itself after strong feelings or activation caused by a situation they perceive as being stressful or threatening can benefit from somatic experiencing".

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What Yoga Can Do for Men Physically and Mentally

What Yoga Can Do for Men Physically and Mentally

In an article by the San Jose Mercury News, we found that "millions of American men -- about 3.6 million, according to a 2012 Yoga Journal study -- practice yoga". Does this mean that men have overcome the idea that yoga is simply for women? 

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12 Amazing Health Benefits of Acupuncture

12 Amazing Health Benefits of Acupuncture

We learned via an article by the Huffington Post that acupuncture “helps us see the world differently -- with more hope, openness, intention, gratitude, compassion, patience and clarity.” What exactly are the benefit to this ancient way of healing? 

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Yoga’s Healing Powers for Cancer Survivors

Yoga’s Healing Powers for Cancer Survivors

Yoga has become one of the biggest fitness trends in recent years. Yoga studios are opening up in every city and there is surely at least one in your neighborhood. While yoga may be one of the biggest fitness trends nowadays, a study reveals yoga’s true healing powers for cancer survivors. 

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