What Your Kid’s School Should Focus on this Fall

What Your Kid’s School Should Focus on this Fall

A slim letter arrived in the mail the other day confirming that my daughter had been placed in a kindergarten class at a local elementary school. The letter was brief, formal, and entirely without charm, but it still seemed like a sweet, sentimental moment. Our daughter is going to school! The thought definitely has me looking toward the fall with some anticipation. I know not everyone sees it that way.

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The Science of Girls: No More Dreams Deferred

The Science of Girls: No More Dreams Deferred

I’d like to think that every month is Women History Month in our household, not just when we get carpetbombed by corporations and influencers expressing their reverence for women every March – after which they go back to promoting feelings of inferiority and insecurity. Still, if I put the cynicism aside for a moment, it doesn’t hurt to get a nudge that helps you reexamine women’s invaluable contributions to society as well as the myriad ways in which this potential is undermined by discrimination.

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Black Families are Black History

Black Families are Black History

February is Black History Month and we generally honor this time by remembering inventors, explorers, writers, artists, and other great public figures that have shaped the course of our race, this nation, and the world. Lost in the shuffle are the millions of “regular people”, everyday heroes whose efforts and sacrifices have advanced the race and society and helped people like me attain a place of privilege.

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A Hard Lesson for America

A Hard Lesson for America

Typically, the American public pays attention to public education twice a year, at graduation and back to school. If this were any normal year, our family would be preparing for one of those cherished memories – our eldest kid’s first day of kindergarten. But this year is far from normal and the only thing we’re preparing for is month six of Camp Quarantine.

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“H3: Happy, Healthy & Healing” Program Brings Attention To Mental Health Awareness Month In May 

“H3: Happy, Healthy & Healing” Program Brings Attention To Mental Health Awareness Month In May 

San Francisco, California, April 28, 2020 — Community Well, a holistic wellness center in the Excelsior District, offers free virtual classes through their H3: Happy, Healing, & Healthy Program. H3 classes are healthy food, fitness, and emotional transformational classes that are specifically designed to engage the public to look at health as a whole human experience.

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Our "H3: Move More! Hikes" are going VIRTUAL!

Our "H3: Move More! Hikes" are going VIRTUAL!

These monthly community centered virtual healing hikes are designed to create a specific time for the adults and caregivers in our communities to have a focused meditation engaging with the power of our connection to nature.These intimate virtual journeys are designed as a special and unique time for our hardworking caregivers to reset their inner emotional well-being without distraction or obligation, so they can be their best for others.

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Practicing Prevention by Boosting Your Immune System Video with Angel Le

Practicing Prevention by Boosting Your Immune System Video with Angel Le

Our immune system is what protects our bodies from everyday attacks from the air, soil, and foods we eat. And as of late, the current new virus that has us shelter in place. The best way to boost our immune system is to supply our bodies with the nutritional building blocks; foods. It is easier for us to "prevent" an illness from taking place than to "cure" one. Join us for a small video on foods we can incorporate everyday and resources we can use to access them.

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Community Well Will Remain Closed Until it's Safe to Re-open

Community Well Will Remain Closed Until it's Safe to Re-open

In light of the Bay Area ‘Shelter In Place’ order, Community Well will close our doors this evening, March 16, 2020. We are in alignment with the City and County in safeguarding public health and will hold the order in place at least through April 7th and continue to monitor the situation.

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Prevention Not Panic video with Tereza Iñiguez Flores: Curandera &Holistic Life Coach

Prevention Not Panic video with Tereza Iñiguez Flores: Curandera &Holistic Life Coach

Prevention not Panic with Tereza Iñiguez Flores: Curandera & Holistic Life Coach

This video will provide some insight on how you can empower yourself to tap into your inner resources and manage your stress levels to keep clear headed during this crisis. The conversation presented in this video will provide you with emotional strategies that will help you and your family stay healthy and emotionally strong.

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Coronavirus: Your Health Matter to Us

Coronavirus: Your Health Matter to Us

Your health and safety is very important to us. By now you are probably aware of the ever-developing public health concern here in San Francisco regarding the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19).

Community Well will keep it’s doors open for scheduled classes and services but we will continue to closely monitor this matter and are following the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommendations on prevention and spread of the virus.

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Family Business

Family Business

Growing up, a sharp line separated “grown folks’ business” and kid activities. There was occasional overlap, but for the most part, adults and children occupied different orbits around the same familial planet. Information for children was on a “need to know” basis and adult affairs (the business kind) were conducted in mystery and sealed with a code of silence.

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