Benefits of Holistic Treatments

Benefits of Holistic Treatments

We learned via Health Guidance that "modern medicine has evolved into more discoveries of new drugs and new forms of treatment to cure diseases. However, another kind of treatment has given rise to a more realistic approach to cure illness – the holistic way which is a kind of treatment that would go back to the basic roots of the cause of the illness and the person’s whole being as an important part of this treatment."

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Wellness Tips: How to Foster Self-Healing

Wellness Tips: How to Foster Self-Healing

According to an article by Woman's Day, "One of the most important components of healing is recognizing the powerful connection between your mind and body". The article states, "Studies show that stress and negative emotions can cause a physical reaction that can slow your body's ability to heal". Here are a few tips to help you foster self-healing:

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What is Homeopathic Medicine?

What is Homeopathic Medicine?

Homeopathic Medicine is "the practice of medicine that embraces a holistic, natural approach to the treatment of the sick", according to the American Institute of Homeopathy. The person is treated as a whole, rather than a diseased part of a labeled sickness. Homeopathy is a natural alternative because its remedies are from natural sources, such as vegetables, minerals, or animals in nature. 

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