Wellness Women of Color You Should Follow

Wellness Women of Color You Should Follow

I love learning about wellness and consider myself to be a wellness junkie. I’ll admit that I’m not an expert at self-care and fall off the wellness wagon here and there. But, at least I’m being fully honest about it. When I’m feeling a bit lazy and tired, I turn to social media and browse through my self-care pro’s pages. I guess that also counts as practicing self-care. Right? Yes! 

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Who Benefits From Somatic Healing?

Who Benefits From Somatic Healing?

We learned via SEAustraila that anyone who wishes to feel empowered again and learn about "their body’s natural ability to calm itself after strong feelings or activation caused by a situation they perceive as being stressful or threatening" can benefit from somatic healing.

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Wellness Tips: How to Foster Self-Healing

Wellness Tips: How to Foster Self-Healing

According to an article by Woman's Day, "One of the most important components of healing is recognizing the powerful connection between your mind and body". The article states, "Studies show that stress and negative emotions can cause a physical reaction that can slow your body's ability to heal". Here are a few tips to help you foster self-healing:

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Mama Self-Care: Finding Time for You!

Mama Self-Care: Finding Time for You!

Often, it's easy for moms to forget to schedule time for themselves. From drivings kids to soccer practice to cooking up a healthy dinner and getting them to bed on time, mamas don't have an easy job. Carving out some "you time" is essential for the health and sanity of you and your family. The Confident Mom shares a few helpful tips in penciling in time for self-care:

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