4 Reasons To Practice Prenatal Yoga

4 Reasons To Practice Prenatal Yoga

We learned via Chopra that "regular prenatal yoga classes can help keep you centered, calm, and relatively pain-free throughout your pregnancy." It is easy to get overwhelmed and flustered on the things that you must prepare for pregnancy, but yoga can help you refocus. Here are 4 reasons why you should try prenatal yoga!

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How Infant Massage Helps Reduce Stress In Premature Babies

How Infant Massage Helps Reduce Stress In Premature Babies

According to an article by Medical Daily, infant massage has great effects for premature babies. However, they reported that infant massage "can markedly reduce stress in male preemie babies, though the effect is not as great for females."

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How to Help Your Baby Develop Fine Motor Skills

How to Help Your Baby Develop Fine Motor Skills

Being a parent is tough work and helping your baby develop fine motor skills may not be the first thing you add to your daily to-do list. Parents Magazine offers a few ways you can help your baby develop manual dexterity by simply playing with their hands! 

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Developmental Movement Skills for Babies

Developmental Movement Skills for Babies

We learned via an article by Active for Life that movement and exercise for babies is rarely ever mentioned in baby books. We tend to forget that the more engagement and movement babies experience during the day, the better the sleep. Just like adults, babies need to be active in order to be healthy and learn important movement skills. 

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You're Never Too Young, Never Too Old to Read

You're Never Too Young, Never Too Old to Read

It’s no doubt that children whose parents read to them get a head start on language skills and literacy. However, many children aren’t getting ahead. According to NPR, one-third of children starting kindergarten do not have the language skills they need to learn to read. 

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Acupuncture for Pregnancy

Acupuncture for Pregnancy

According to Jill Stevens, L.Ac., acupuncture is commonly used during pregnancy to induce labor, avoid medical induction and to help turn a baby in a breech position. However, Stevens recommends mothers use acupuncture from the beginning of pregnancy to postpartum. 

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