Ways to Exercise When Mother Nature Has You Stuck Indoors

Ways to Exercise When Mother Nature Has You Stuck Indoors

Spring may have officially arrived, but plenty of communities are still dealing with blustery winter weather, and may continue to well into the months when we usually welcome warmer temperatures. For lots of folks, this means that their beloved outdoor exercise routines are going to have to stay on hold for a while longer.

Not to worry, though. There are plenty of ways to keep your exercise routine on track...

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Become a Master of your Money

Become a Master of your Money

I found a new home at 78 Ocean Ave. in San Francisco, CA – Community Well, is a place to revive and recharge your own sense of wellness whether it’s by participating in a healing circle, yoga, therapy, or any of their self-care services and classes.  I was interested in examining my financial wellness.

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10 Steps To Create A Prosperous 2018

10 Steps To Create A Prosperous 2018

It’s a New Year.  

When the ball dropped at 12 am on January 1, 2018 your life was magically reset, and the slate was wiped clean.  At this moment you are starting a brand new chapter, where the pages are still unwritten.  Your outlook on the upcoming year is filled with possibilities and opportunities.

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Women on the Move

Women on the Move

I’ve always had a zest for traveling but have never worked up the nerve to take the ultimate leap oversees and see the world. Just as Maya Angelou once said, “I love to see a young girl go out and grab the world by the lapels. Life’s a bitch. You’ve got to go out and kick ass. ”That’s so true and that’s what these wanderlust women are doing.

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Let's Get Well

Let's Get Well

This past weekend I had the opportunity to attend the 2nd Annual Sacramento Black Women’s Health & Wellness Conference. It was a day-long conference dedicated to empower and educate black women on the health issues that we face within our community.

When I first heard of this conference I was super excited to learn more about how to take care of myself...

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I can’t keep calm because I have anxiety!

I can’t keep calm because I have anxiety!

Sound familiar? You are not alone. Almost everyone I know has been experiencing anxiety in some form recently. Whether it is from politics, concerns about health care, police brutality, life stress, loss, hormonal changes, or some unknown reason – there is a lot to feel anxious about these days!

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Acts of Gratitude

Acts of Gratitude

As the school year comes to a close for myself and my students, I reflect and think back on how this has been a year filled with ups and downs. As my students are preparing for their next chapter – college, their gratitude has reminded me to express my gratitude no matter what.

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